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JAEA-Review 2009-056
The core of the JMTR has a cylindrical shape with 1.56 m in diameter and 0.75 m in height. The core consists of 24 standard fuel elements, five control rods with fuel followers,
Neutronics properties of JMTR LEU core (Conference) - OSTI.GOV
1992年1月1日 · The Japan materials testing reactor (JMTR) is a 50-MW light-water-moderated and -cooled tank-type reactor using engineering test reactor-type fuel. Core conversion from medium-enrichment uranium (MEU) aluminide fuel to low-enrichment uranium (LEU) silicide fuel of the JMTR is scheduled for 1993.
2002年11月18日 · The JMTR core is separated into four regions by the beryllium frame functioning as structural support, as reflector and as irradiation space. The core is loaded with the 22 standard fuel elements and 5 fuel followers coupled with each control rod. In order to avoid local boiling of the primary coolant on the surface of the fuel plate, the coolant
Decommissioning and R&D of JMTR (Japan Materials Testing …
JMTR (Japan Materials Testing Reactor) has been contributed to various R&D activities in the nuclear research such as the fundamental research of nuclear materials/fuels, safety research, development of power reactors, radio isotope (RI) production …
Nuclear Hot Spot Factor of JMTR-LEU core - OSTI.GOV
1992年3月1日 · This report describes the analytical methods and results of the Nuclear Hot Spot Factor of the Hot Spot Factor to be used in the thermohydraulic design and safety analysis of JMTR LEU Core. Factors of each compose of Nuclear Hot Spot Factor, which are based on neutronic calculations, were investigated.
-The JAEA placed that the JMTR is a testing reactor which supports the basic technology of the nuclear energy, and decided the refurbishment of the reactor facilities during four years from FY 2007; operation of the new JMTR will be started from FY 2011.-New irradi tidiation f ilitifacilities are pldlanned to itllinstall in the JMTR;
The core of the JMTR is in a cylindrical shape with 1.56m in diameter and 0.75m in height. The core consists of 24 standard fuel elements, five control rods with fuel followers, reflectors...
The core configuration of the JMTR is shown in Fig. 1. The samples have been irradiated for more than 1 cycle (24 days) in the fuel region, the first beryllium reflector region (Be-I), the second beryllium reflector region (Be-2) , the first aluminum reflector
• Large irradiation area in the core region for various irradiation tests • Flexible reactor core configuration allows various irradiation facilities to be installed to the reactor core
Present status of refurbishment and irradiation technologies in JMTR
2011年10月1日 · The Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency is a testing reactor for various neutron irradiation tests on nuclear fuels and materials, as well as for radioisotope production. The operation of JMTR stopped temporarily in August 2006 for refurbishment and improvement.