Spletna stran je v delu. Srečen je, kdor polžka najde. Z mobilnim vinskim svetovalcem v svojem žepu ne boste nikoli več slepo izbirali vina. S to aplikacijo boste znali oceniti kvaliteto vina, iz rastočega arhiva vin izbrati primerno vino h hrani ter hkrati …
We produce mostly white wine sorts - rebula, chardonnay, green sauvignon (jakot.e), white pinot, some malvasia and sauvignon. Of the red sorts we produce cabernet sauvignon and merlot. We are included in the system of integrated production of grape and wine at the authorized organisation in Slovenia.
JNK si/shRNA 基因沉默产品 | SCBT - Santa Cruz Biotechnology
JNK基因沉默产品包括JNK siRNA, JNK shRNA 质粒, JNK shRNA慢病毒颗粒和JNK CRISPR/Cas9敲除质粒。 也提供用于基因激活的JNK CRISPR/dCas9激活质粒和CRISPR慢 …
【求助】请问Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) 翻译成中文应该怎么读?
Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)的中文是不是就读作 c-Jun [si: d?u:n]氨基末端激酶? 英文发音,其中的N是读该字母的发音还是应该发氨基amino读音? JNK发音的时候,是要连在一起读成一个单词,还是应该单独发这3个字母的音? 回复点赞收藏 邀请讨论
SignalSilence® SAPK/JNK siRNA I | Cell Signaling Technology
SignalSilence® SAPK/JNK siRNA I from Cell Signaling Technology (CST) allows the researcher to specifically inhibit SAPK/JNK expression by RNA interference, a method whereby gene expression can be selectively silenced through the delivery …
JNK,(c-Jun 氨基末端 激酶,c-Jun N-terminal kinase)又被称为应激活化 蛋白激酶 (stress-activated protein kinase, SAPK),是 哺乳类 细胞中 MAPK (mitogen -activated protein kinase, 丝裂原活化蛋白激酶) 信号通路 的另一亚类。
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SignalSilence® SAPK/JNK siRNA II | Cell Signaling Technology
SignalSilence ® SAPK/JNK siRNA II from Cell Signaling Technology (CST) allows the researcher to specifically inhibit SAPK/JNK expression by RNA interference, a method whereby gene expression can be selectively silenced through the delivery …
With this free mobile wine consultant in your pocket, you'll never stumble in choosing the perfect wine. Not only will you be able to assess wine quality and match wines and foods perfectly, but you will also impress your friends with your knowledge about superb Slovenian wines.
JNK1siRNA (h),shRNA和慢病毒颗粒基因沉默产品 | SCBT - Santa …
如果需要研究针对JNK1基因单个靶点的siRNA产品的沉默效率,可以申请购买单条siRNA产品。 合适的对照抗体: JNK1 Antibody (F-3): sc-1648被推荐作为通过免疫印迹或免疫荧光监测JNK1表达敲除的对照抗体 获取 si/shRNA 基因沉默子 的详细信息 基因沉默仅供非商业及研究用途。