Another JNR 50 yrs ago: an NTL depot - Trainorders.com
Class 200s which were the first sets used for the Tohoku and Joetsu Shinkansen Lines have hints of 951 in terms of exterior appearance. Torikai facility is still in service, and Doctor Yellow goes …
101 series | Locomotive Wiki | Fandom
The 101 series was designed in 1957 as the MoHa 90 series, and was to act as a modern train that could be used by the JNR; the 101 series sets themselves were a development of the …
Japanese National Railways - Wikipedia
The Japanese National Railways (日本国有鉄道, Nihon Kokuyū Tetsudō or Nippon Kokuyū Tetsudō), abbreviated JNR or Kokutetsu (国鉄), was the business entity that operated Japan's …
JNR Class D51 - Wikipedia
The Class D51 (D51形) is a type of 2-8-2 steam locomotive operated by the Japanese Government Railways (JGR) and later by the Japanese National Railways (JNR). Designed by …
THE JNR LEGEND (951) | もはねの小部屋
2022年3月23日 · THE JNR LEGEND (951) 駅に佇む気動車と旧型国電。 如何にも “国鉄ならでは” のビジュアルですけど、旧国の方はスカイブルーに塗られているので、長野県の大糸 …
新干线952型、953型电力动车组 - 百度百科
新干线952型、953型电力动车组,又称star21,是东日本旅客铁道(jr东日本)在e1~e4系动车组制造前,于1993年以次世代新干线技术制作的一款实验列车,亦是jr东日本首列采用交流传动 …
新幹線951形電車 - Wikipedia
新幹線951形電車 (しんかんせん951がたでんしゃ)とは、 1972年 3月の 山陽新幹線 の 岡山駅 までの開業に伴い、 日本国有鉄道 (国鉄)が当時の営業運転での最高速度 210 km/h を超 …
JNR Class C51 | Locomotive Wiki | Fandom
The JNR Class C51 (originally the JGR Class 18900) is a 4-6-2 Pacific-type steam locomotive operated by the Japanese National Railways from 1923 to 1966. The C51s, originally known …
Steam Locomotive Information
JNR 1 4-6-4 No. C62-2 Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan: Location: Kyoto Railway Museum Status: Display
Java 外部函数接口:JNI, JNA, JNR - nullwy's blog - SegmentFault
2018年10月24日 · 其实针对 Java 实现 chdir 问题,官方 20 多年前就存在对应的 bug,即 JDK-4045688 'Add chdir or equivalent notion of changing working directory'。 这个 bug 在 1997.04 …