The Joint Live-Virtual Constructive (JLVC) Navy Continuous Training Environment (NCTE) Federation Object Model (FOM) program provides a persistent and interoperable network among the Navy, Joint and Coalition federation components.
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The second network is the Naval Continuous Training Environment (NCTE), which can ride over the larger Joint National Training Capability (JNTC) network. The NCTE network is the backbone for...
Improving the Joint National Training Capability
2007年4月11日 · Four years after the Department of Defense established the Joint National Training Capability (JNTC), U.S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM) continues to improve the capability by conducting...
邱志明院士:模拟仿真技术及其在训练领域的应用综述 - 知乎
美海军利用体系架构等相关技术建设了海军常态化训练环境(navy continuous training environment, NCTE),把水面舰艇作战部队战术训练器(battle force tactical training, BFTT)、潜艇多使命团队训练器(submarine multi-mission team training, SMMTT),飞机训练器FAST等集成起来,实现了舰队 …
SAIC - Joint Training Analyst in NORFOLK, Virginia, United States
2025年1月24日 · · Oversee development and fielding of Navy Continuous Training Environment (NCTE) capabilities in conjunction with the Joint Training Enterprise Network (JTEN). · Develop command, control, communications and computers (C4) roadmaps, including integration of advances in Navy C4 and intelligence (C4I) systems into the JNTC.
Support Joint Training Environment Network (JTEN) Expansion and Migration through architectural development to the expansion and migration of the NCTE and JTEN by improving the use of wide area networking resources through reductions in bandwidth and throughput required to support simulation interest management.
Navy Continuous Training Environment (NCTE) … capabilities to conduct training on demand … through a persistent network that connects geographically dispersed training simulators and systems with geographically dispersed forces. • Modeling & Simulation to complement and enhance constrained Live training
美海军模拟训练体系研究 - 百度文库
NCTE 是美海军舰队训练的基础设施,它通过集成 BFTT、SMMTT、FAST 等训 练 系 统,能 够 实 现 舰 艇 编 队 在驻泊地的综合训练,包括海军定级性质的作战熟练
the JNTC will transform Joint training and create training capabilities that will improve Joint and combined warfighting capabilities for US Armed Forces and the military forces of allied and partner
• Leverage standardized JNTC / NCTE simulation/stimulation technologies (to include network infrastructure).
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