Kyokushin Karate Basics | Seiken Chudan Zuki, Jodan Zuki, Jodan …
Learn the fundamental techniques of Kyokushin Karate in this training session. This video covers: Seiken Chudan Zuki (Middle Punch) Seiken Jodan Zuki (Uppe...
tetsui zuki - hammer fist strike. shuto uke - sword hand block. shuto zuki - sword hand strike. tai-sabaki - body shifting. jodan oi zuki - upper lunge punch. jodan age uke - upper rising block. …
Jodan junzuki, chudan guaku zuki | Bjørgvin karateklubb
Graderingspensum for JKA, 1 og 2 KyuInstruktør: Maren Aamodt, 3 DAN-----W: https://bjorgvinkarate.noF: https://www.facebook.com/bjorgvinkarat...
Oi Zuki Jodan | IKD Testing Syllabus videos | Shotokan Karate 2013
2013年10月13日 · http://heijoshinkarate.comhttp://charleswoodkarate.comhttp://internationalkaratedaigaku.comInternational …
Training Regimen | Yale Shotokan Karate
You can either pivot to go again in the other direction with these kicking techniques, or move back with gedan barai/gyakyu zuki or gedan barai/mae geri/gyaku zuki. greater challenge: mawashi …
Punches - SKSG
The common punches in karate are the Upper Punch [Jodan Zuki] and Middle Punch [Chudan Zuki]. The key points for delivering these punches are: Strike or contact area would be the first …
André Bertel's Karate-Do: Jodan, chudan, gedan... - Blogger
2011年6月2日 · My two hour self-training yesterday consisted of only two techniques in ido-kihon; oi-zuki (chasing punch) and mae-geri (front snap kick). These were practiced individually then …
Socos do caratê – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Gedan zuki (下段突き), ou otoshi zuki (落突き), é semelhante a age zuki, pero o punho vai em direção descendente. Dependendo so estilo praticado, o punho pode seguir ao alvo numa …
Karate Training Commands: Japanese to English - DOJO WU 武
2013年12月29日 · Jodan hiji : elbow to head. Chudan hiji : elbow to middle section. Hiji age (ah-gay) uchi : rising elbow strike . S huto (shoo-toe) : knife hand. Shuto ganmen (gun-men) uchi : …
In Shotokan the age zuki is perform by lifting the fist from "chudan" level to "jodan" level as the punch is executed. In Shito ryu the "Age Zuki" is perform as upper cut to chin with inverted fist. …