JOFI Assessments provide Job-Fit scores to improve skills-based hiring, career navigation, and team building. Visit JobFitScore.com to learn about JOFI Assessments. Metrics Reporting, Inc. (MRI) has joined forces with Drasgow Consulting Group (DCG) to enter the assessment market with a new set of assessments under the JOFI (Job Fit) brand.
JOFI Career Navigation
JOFI Assessments measure your unique characteristics and calculate your job-fit for each of the occupations in the O*NET. The 923 occupations are grouped into 70 JOFI job families. You can see your top 15 job families on the Job Families page. The job families that contain your top-fit occupations are highlighted in green.
JOFI Assessments
JOFI® combines the most predictive elements from the three assessments into one overall Five-Star rating to indicate job fit. The JOFI Five-Star rating and Scorecard view provide highly effective tools that enable talent acquisition professionals to quickly determine if a candidate should be referred to a hiring manager.
Jofi - Wikipedia
Jofi, also known as Yofi (1928 – January 11, 1937), was a Chow Chow dog owned by Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. Known for her significant role in Freud's personal life, Jofi is often cited as an early example of the therapeutic benefits of the human-animal bond.
JOFI Career Navigation
In order to see your reports, save favorite occupations, and create a career plan, you need to take the JOFI assessments and then use your unique Career Navigation link to access this page. Career Navigation provides support to job seekers and enables them to research careers leveraging O*NET data.
The JOFI assessment suite includes three assessments: Quick Prescreen, Personality Traits, and Thinking Skills. The JOFI Assessment Management System (JAMS) includes our unique 5-Star compensatory scoring
JOFI Career Navigation
When you find a job that matches your personality traits, the work will feel natural, and you’ll have a sense that you’re in the right role. The JOFI five-star ratings of job-fit indicate how well you fit in various jobs. Occupations with the highest job-fit ratings will be the most enjoyable.
The Journal of Finance - Wiley Online Library
2019年8月9日 · Examining a shock to the salience of the sustainability of the U.S. mutual fund market, we present causal evidence that investors marketwide value sustainability: being categorized as low sustainability resulted in net outflows of more than $12 billion while being categorized as high sustainability led to net inflows of more than $24 billion.
The Journal of Finance - Wiley Online Library
2019年2月17日 · We develop a model of informational interdependence between financial markets and the real economy, linking economic uncertainty to information production and aggregate economic activities in general equilibrium.
Jofi befähigt geprüfte Lehrbetriebe, geeignete Kandidaten innerhalb eines Schülerpools dank Interessens-Matching passgenau auf die angebotenen Lehrstellen anzusprechen und zu rekrutieren. Die Lehrstellensuchenden erstellen ein individuelles, aussagekräftiges Bewerbungsprofil und entscheiden selber, welche Lehrfirmen Zugang zu ihren Daten ...