John Koo - UCSF Health
Dr. John Koo is a dermatologist and director of the UCSF Psoriasis and Skin Treatment Center. Koo's research interests include psoriasis therapies, phototherapy, eczema, psychodermatology (the connection between mental stress and skin health) and quality of life issues.
John Koo | UCSF Profiles
Dr. John Koo is a dermatologist and director of the UCSF Psoriasis and Skin Treatment Center. Koo's research interests include psoriasis therapies, phototherapy, eczema, psychodermatology (the connection between mental stress and skin health) and quality of life issues. Koo earned his medical degree from Harvard University.
Dr. John Y. Koo MD - US News Health
Dr. John Y. Koo is a dermatologist in San Francisco, California and is affiliated with UCSF Health-UCSF Medical Center. He received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School and has been...
John Koo's research works | UCSF University of California, San ...
John Koo's 415 research works with 12,689 citations and 10,453 reads, including: Gene Expression Differences Identified in Skin Samples of Early-Stage Mycosis Fungoides, Atopic...
JOHN KOO, MD - Updated March 2025 - 18 Reviews - Yelp
18 reviews of JOHN KOO, MD "I would like to say that good relationships with doctors are built over time, and having known Dr. Koo for 15 years now, I am very grateful for the care that he has given me.
- 位置: 515 Spruce St San Francisco, CA 94118
John Koo, MD - Dermatology Research and Education Foundation
John Koo, MD, is Professor of dermatology at the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine. Dr. Koo received his medical degree from Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, where he was a Harvard National Scholar.
John Koo, MD - MedScience
He is the chief editor for a two volume textbook on psoriasis where “mild to moderate psoriasis” volume is now in its third edition and “moderate to severe psoriasis” is in its fourth edition. This two volume textbooks is one of the most widely used in USA. Dr. Koo was named “best researcher in dermatology” at SID meeting.
John Koo - Department of Government
John Koo is a PhD student in Government at Harvard. He is broadly interested in international relations, especially in the dynamics of conflict and cooperation. He is currently working on several experiments related to diplomacy and crisis de-escalation. He was trained as a lawyer and holds a Bachelor of Social Sciences and a Bachelor of...
董顾两家的渊源 - 航运在线资讯网 - SOL.COM.CN
2014年12月16日 · 除了本文提到的顾建新,顾国敏的另外两个儿子顾建安(John Koo)和顾建立(Philip Koo)在船东界也很活跃。 他们最初在万利工作,后于2002 年另行创办东方轮船(Orient Steamship)。
T. John Koo, Ph.D. - ptolemy.berkeley.edu
T. John Koo is Director of Cyber-Physical Systems, Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute (ASTRI), Hong Kong. Koo received the US National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award in 2005 and the Distinguished M.Phil. Thesis Award of the Faculty of Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, in 1994.