In Memoriam: John Pock | Reed Magazine
2012年2月18日 · A legendary professor who influenced generations of social scientists, John Pock died at the age of 86, having taught at Reed for 43 years. A native of Chicago, John served in the U.S. Army as a combat infantryman and sergeant …
Faculty - Sociology Department - Reed College
John C. Pock Professor of Sociology Email | Website BA 1980 Haverford College. MS 1985, PhD 1994 University of Wisconsin, Madison. Reed College 2000–. Research Interests: Economic sociology, organizations, comparative institutional analysis. Schneiberg continues his work on associations, regulation and alternatives to the corporation in the ...
Collection: John Pock papers | Reed Library
Professor John Pock (1926-2012) was an iconic sociology teacher at Reed who influenced many generations of students during his tenure from 1955 through 1998. He received the Contributions to Teaching Award of the American Sociological Association in 1982, and his students presented him with a Festschrift, Social Differentiation and Social ...
Social Differentiation And Social Inequality: Essays In Honor Of John …
The field of social stratification is being transformed and reshaped by advances in theory and method as well as by new approaches to the analysis of macroeconomic, institutional, demographic, and ascriptive sources of inequality. In this tribute to John C. Pock, the editors have brought together established and emerging stars in the field.
Sociology 210; Class Lecture Notes | Reed Library
The John Pock Papers consist of correspondence with faculty colleagues as well as former students. The subjects range from sociology to politics as well as Reed College faculty governance. There are published papers and studies by John Pock, along with his hand-written notes and class lectures.
John C. Pock faculty | In Memoriam | Reed Magazine - Reed College
A legendary professor who influenced generations of social scientists, John Pock died at the age of 86, having taught at Reed for 43 years. A native of Chicago, John served in the U.S. Army as a combat infantryman and sergeant in the Philippine Islands during World War II.
Social Differentiation And Social Inequality - Perlego
The essays included in this volume honor a truly gifted teacher and sociologist, John C. Pock. After a brief stint at the University of Illinois, Pock moved in 1955 to Reed College, a highly regarded but very small liberal arts institution (roughly …
Remembering Professor Pock | Sallyportal | Reed Magazine
John Pock, emeritus professor of sociology, passed away at the age of 86 on Saturday, February 18. A long-time member of the Reed community, he served as a faculty member of the sociology department from 1955 to 1998. John came to Reed College from the University of Illinois, where he earned his PhD and taught for several years.
Social Differentiation And Social Inequality : Essays In Honor Of John Pock
2019年7月11日 · The essays included in this volume honor a truly gifted teacher and sociologist, John C. Pock. After a brief stint at the University of Illinois, Pock moved in 1955 to Reed College, a highly...
In Memoriam: John Pock | Reed Magazine - qauo-shop.com
A legendary professor who influenced generations of social scientists, John Pock died at the age of 86, having taught at Reed for 43 years. A native of Chicago, John served in the U.S. Army as a combat infantryman and sergeant in the Philippine Islands during World War II.