Johnni Gade Gaming - YouTube
Jeg hedder Johnni og gamer. Kig forbi.epic: 9BUTJX.
Johnni Gade - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Johnni Gade er navnet på YouTuberen Johnni Gades primære kanal, hvor han oprindeligt uploadede en bred vifte af indhold, herunder comedy, rap og satire. Kanalen fungerede som hans vigtigste platform i mange år og var afgørende for hans gennembrud på YouTube.
Johnni Gade (@johnni_gade) • Instagram photos and videos
87K Followers, 476 Following, 1,075 Posts - Johnni Gade (@johnni_gade) on Instagram: "Radiovært, youtuber, standupper, streamer, rapper, idiot. [email protected] for business"
Johnni Gade - Facebook
Johnni Gade, 9800. 38,665 likes · 287 talking about this. Instagram: Johnni_Gade Snapchat: JohnniGade Youtube: Johnni Gade Twitter: JohnniGade Twitch: JohnniGade
Kendte Du Dem (Kender Du Det Diss Track) - YouTube
Business: 📧 [email protected]: 👕 https://merchii.shop/shops/johnni-gade/Mine Sociale Medier:📷 INSTAGRAM: http://bit.ly/2gNTee5💻 TWITTER: http://bit....
Johnni Gade (@johnnigade) - TikTok
Johnni Gade (@johnnigade) on TikTok | 922.2K Likes. 93.6K Followers. Watch the latest video from Johnni Gade (@johnnigade).
Johnni Gade (@johnni_gade) • Instagram photos and videos
88K Followers, 471 Following, 1,073 Posts - Johnni Gade (@johnni_gade) on Instagram: "Radiovært, youtuber, standupper, streamer, rapper, idiot. [email protected] for business"
Johnni Gade | Youtube Wikia | Fandom
Johnni Gade (født d. 9 august 1987 i Hjørring) er en dansk radiovært og youtuber med over 150.000 følgere på youtube. Gade fik sit gennembrud, da han lavede videoen "Fie Laursen Diss Track", som i september 2018 havde over 2,8 millioner visninger.
Johnni Gade - YouTube
En samling af alt mit musik på YouTube. Hva' Der Galt Med Fie Laursen? 24 timer i et legehus! Hej. Jeg hedder Johnni. Jeg er mærkelig. Kig forbi.
Johnni Gade - Age, Family, Bio | Famous Birthdays
Danish YouTube star who is famous for his self-titled channel. He has gained popularity there for his original brand of vlogging, including parody songs, pop culture commentary, and gaming entries. He began his YouTube channel in June 2015. One of his most popular YouTube videos, " Fie Laursen Diss Track," has amassed more than 1.5 million views.