乔尼·凯奇 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
乔尼·凯奇 (Johnny Cage)是 《真人快打》 系列及其衍生作品的登场角色。 原型是武打电影演员尚格·云顿(Jean-Claude Van Damme)。 作为第一代就出场的元祖人物,乔尼的人设与 刘康 等人不一样,是风趣幽默的诙谐角色。 拥有来源不明的超自然力量,可以在手上聚集绿色能量加强自己的拳脚威力。 新史中设定为是远古战士的血脉带来的力量。 经典招式是nutsack hit,即用勾拳击打对手的下体,俗称碎蛋拳。 乔尼是一位武术家和演员,在好莱坞混的风生水起,他加入少 …
Johnny Cage - Mortal Kombat Wiki
Johnny Cage made his debut as one of the seven original characters in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game and has remained a long standing playable character in the franchise. He appears in Mortal Kombat (2011), a reboot of the series as a supporting character in the game's Story Mode, a role he reprises in later games.
Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat) | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Jonathan "John" Carlton, better known as Johnny Cage, is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Sonya Blade) of the Mortal Kombat franchise. Being one of a very few comic relief characters, he at times provides much-needed hilarity and awakwardness to overall dark and gloomy surroundings of MK...
Johnny Cage - Wikipedia
Johnny Cage is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise by Midway Games and NetherRealm Studios. Introduced in the original 1992 game, he is an action film star with an extensive martial arts background. The series depicts Cage as one of the primary heroes defending Earthrealm from various threats, as well as the comic foil.
Johnny Cage | Mortal Kombat Media Wiki - Fandom
Johnny Cage (full name Jonathan "John" Carlton), is one of Mortal Kombat's most iconic characters. Known for his role as the charismatic, brash and wisecracking Hollywood action movie star turned bonafide martial artist; in most versions, …
【情報】《真人快打 11》Johnny Cage 登場!!! @真人快打系 …
官方差不多於台灣時間 2 月 28 日凌晨 4 點左右發佈《真人快打 11》新角色預告片。 這次的預告片登場的角色為眾多老玩家所熟悉的元老角色之一:Johnny Cage! 只是,這次的 Johnny Cage 將帶給玩家們完全不同感受的存在感。
真人快打:关于约翰尼·凯奇的15件你永远都不知道的事情 - 清单
在 MK9, 约翰尼·凯奇(Johnny Cage)对索尼娅(Sonya)有着迷恋且常常令人毛骨悚然的迷恋,这只会使角色的新化身变得令人烦恼。 幸运的是,约翰尼在后续游戏以及 真人快打X 漫画系列。
Johnny Cage/Current Timeline - Mortal Kombat Wiki
John Carlton was one of the first of Liu Kang's newfound friends in his past life. Feeling that he needs a restart in the New Era, Liu Kang stripped him of his old supernatural powers and yet still remains the egotistical movie star he's always been under the name Johnny Cage.
JOHNNY CAGE - Mortal Kombat 30th Anniversary - CHARACTERS
Following a string of lowbrow direct-to-VHS sequels to Ninja Mime, Johnny Cage’s career peaked at the age of 28. Now, he fights against all odds to save Earthrealm and prove to everyone else that he’s an even braver hero in real life than on the silver screen, so long as his ego doesn’t write a check his Shadow Kicks can’t cash.
Mortal Kombat II: Johnny Cage
After disappearing from the set of his latest movie, Cage finally resurfaces. He used all his knowledge and experiences as a fighter to end the Outworld menace. Now heralded as a true hero, Cage receives the respect he rightfully deserves.