乔尼·凯奇 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
乔尼·凯奇 (Johnny Cage)是 《真人快打》 系列及其衍生作品的登场角色。 原型是武打电影演员尚格·云顿(Jean-Claude Van Damme)。 作为第一代就出场的元祖人物,乔尼的人设与 刘 …
Johnny Cage - Mortal Kombat Wiki
Johnny Cage made his debut as one of the seven original characters in the first Mortal Kombat arcade game and has remained a long standing playable character in the franchise. He …
Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat) | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Jonathan "John" Carlton, better known as Johnny Cage, is one of the two deuteragonists (alongside Sonya Blade) of the Mortal Kombat franchise. Being one of a very few comic relief …
Johnny Cage - Wikipedia
Johnny Cage is a character in the Mortal Kombat fighting game franchise by Midway Games and NetherRealm Studios. Introduced in the original 1992 game, he is an action film star with an …
Johnny Cage | Mortal Kombat Media Wiki - Fandom
Johnny Cage (full name Jonathan "John" Carlton), is one of Mortal Kombat's most iconic characters. Known for his role as the charismatic, brash and wisecracking Hollywood action …
【情報】《真人快打 11》Johnny Cage 登場!!! @真人快打系 …
官方差不多於台灣時間 2 月 28 日凌晨 4 點左右發佈《真人快打 11》新角色預告片。 這次的預告片登場的角色為眾多老玩家所熟悉的元老角色之一:Johnny Cage! 只是,這次的 Johnny …
真人快打:关于约翰尼·凯奇的15件你永远都不知道的事情 - 清单
在 MK9, 约翰尼·凯奇(Johnny Cage)对索尼娅(Sonya)有着迷恋且常常令人毛骨悚然的迷恋,这只会使角色的新化身变得令人烦恼。 幸运的是,约翰尼在后续游戏以及 真人快打X 漫画 …
Johnny Cage/Current Timeline - Mortal Kombat Wiki
John Carlton was one of the first of Liu Kang's newfound friends in his past life. Feeling that he needs a restart in the New Era, Liu Kang stripped him of his old supernatural powers and yet …
JOHNNY CAGE - Mortal Kombat 30th Anniversary - CHARACTERS
Following a string of lowbrow direct-to-VHS sequels to Ninja Mime, Johnny Cage’s career peaked at the age of 28. Now, he fights against all odds to save Earthrealm and prove to everyone …
Mortal Kombat II: Johnny Cage
After disappearing from the set of his latest movie, Cage finally resurfaces. He used all his knowledge and experiences as a fighter to end the Outworld menace. Now heralded as a true …