JOWA ODME 2005 - Oil Discharge Monitor Equipment
JOWA ODME 2005 analyzes the content of oil in the water that shall be discharged and calculates the oil discharge in liters/nautical miles, date and time along with the quantity. When allowable limit is reached a control valve opens and allows the discharge.
A step by step guide of how to operate ODME and principle of …
2016年5月31日 · ODME brings a balance between “do not throw oil into sea” and “reduce operational costs” to the ship owners. But sometimes we forget that the purpose of ODME is to remove water from the slops and not as much oil as is allowed.
ODME – Oil discharge monitoring equipment - AMARINE
2017年7月28日 · Main Parts of ODME. An ODMCS consists essentially of four systems: 1. An Oil content meter: The oil content meter is used to analyze the content of oil in the water that is to be discharged overboard. This oil is expressed in parts per million (PPM). 2. A flow meter: The flow rate of the oily water to be discharged is measured at the discharge ...
ODME排油监控系统设备介绍及检查要点_排放物 - 搜狐
2020年9月20日 · odme检查要点. 01. 证书和文书的检查. 检查iopp证书附件(格式b)以了解排油监控系统的基本情况,例如系统的设计概况、油份计的认可标准、所适用的范围(包括是否适用于类油物质)、系统操作手册的签发情况等。
- Alright Marine Services Pte. Ltd
JOWA ODME 2005: ODME 2005 BIO FUEL OIL DISCHARGE MONITOR. The JOWA ODME 2005 Oil Discharge Monitor is approved in accordance with the test and performance requirements for “third generation” monitors, according …
ODME – What is ODME? (Part 1) - AMARINE
2017年10月30日 · 1) What is ODME? O.D.M.E is Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment which is used to check and monitor oil is discharged follow related rule ( MARPOL 73/78 ) when a tanker discharges the sea water from the slop tank where sea water used to clean the tanker after unloading the cargo to be prepared to ship other kind…
MOS (Marine Automation Systems) has great experience of VAF, JOWA, SMART ODME in terms of commissioning and overhauls. MOS also keeps spares such as Flow Sensors, ODME Selonoid, Skid Connection box, Printer, MCU Panel and others in our stock.
船舶ODME系统:保护海洋环境的重要利器 - 邮轮网
船舶ODME系统(Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment)是一种用于监测和控制船舶油污物排放的设备。 通过准确监测船舶油水分离器的油水分离效果和油污物的排放情况,船舶ODME系统可以帮助船舶操作员遵守国际海事组织(IMO)制定的排放标准,并确保船舶在海洋环境中的 ...
SMART ODME - Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment - Rivertrace
The Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (SMART ODME) is a slop water monitor for tankers. The SMART ODME has been designed to provide means of monitoring, recording and controlling the ballast discharge for crude oil, product and chemical tankers including ICE class vessels.
- Alright Marine Services Pte. Ltd
The Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (Smart ODME) has been designed to provide means of monitoring, recording and controlling the ballast discharge for crude oil, product and chemical tankers including ICE class vessels. This system is modular in construction and does not require the usual pump/motor bulkhead penetration as used on older systems.