Jon Umber - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Jon Umber, known as Greatjon Umber and the Greatjon, is Lord of the Last Hearth and head of House Umber, a vassal family to the Starks of Winterfell. His eldest son, also named Jon, is called the Smalljon .
Greatjon Umber | Wiki of Westeros | Fandom
Lord Jon Umber, commonly called "the Greatjon" due to his large size, was the head of House Umber, and a formidable and proud bannerman of House Stark. He fought for Robb Stark in the War of the Five Kings. His role as Robb's chief northern advisor is taken up by Lord Roose Bolton.
Jon Umber (son of Jon) - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
Jon Umber, known as the Smalljon and Smalljon Umber in comparison to his father, is the eldest son of Lord Greatjon Umber and is the heir to the Last Hearth. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones, Smalljon is portrayed by Dean S. Jagger.
琼恩·安柏(塞丽娜之夫) - 冰与火之歌中文维基 | A Song of Ice and …
琼恩·安柏(Jon Umber) 是历史上的一位最后壁炉城伯爵和安柏家族族长,他大约生活在伊耿征服后二世纪下半叶时期。 生平. 琼恩与临冬城继承人瑞肯·史塔克的女儿塞丽娜·史塔克(也是克雷根·史塔克公爵的孙女)结婚,但婚后无子嗣。
House Umber - A Wiki of Ice and Fire
House Umber of the Last Hearth is a noble house from the Last Hearth in the north. Lord Jon Umber, called "the Greatjon", is sworn to House Stark of Winterfell. The Umber sigil is a roaring giant, brown-haired and wearing a skin, with broken silver chains, on flame-red.[3]
琼恩·安柏(小琼恩) - 冰与火之歌中文维基 | 权力的游戏中文维基
琼恩·安柏(Jon Umber) ,为了与他那体型庞大的父亲大琼恩·安柏区别开来,他获得了“小琼恩”(Smalljon Umber) 的外号。 他是大琼恩的长子,也曾是 最后壁炉城 的继承人。
Jon Umber (Greatjon) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Lord Jon Umber, known as the Greatjon to distinguish him from his son, the Smalljon, is a supporting character of the novel series A Song of Ice and Fire and the HBO adaption Game of Thrones. He is the the Head of the Northern House Umber and Lord of Last Hearth.
Jon Umber | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Jon Umber, known as Greatjon, is Lord of the Last Hearth and head of House Umber, a vassal family to the Starks of Winterfell. When War of the Five Kings started, Robb Stark calls the bannermen of House Stark to Winterfell. John responds to call and accompanied of his sons and brothers, leads...
Jon Umber (Greatjon) - A Song of Ice and Fire Wiki
Jon Umber, known as Greatjon Umber and the Greatjon, is Lord of the Last Hearth and head of House Umber, a vassal family to the Starks of Winterfell. His eldest son, also named Jon, is called the Smalljon. In the television adaptation Game of Thrones the Greatjon is played by Clive Mantle.
琼恩·安柏(小琼恩) | 冰与火之歌中文维基 | Fandom
琼恩·安柏(Jon Umber (Smalljon))为了与他那体型庞大的父亲大琼恩·安柏区别开来,他获得了“小琼恩”的外号。 他是大琼恩的儿子,也曾是最后壁炉城的继承人。