Joseph Capgras - Wikipedia
Jean Marie Joseph Capgras (23 August 1873 – 27 January 1950) was a French psychiatrist who is best known for the Capgras delusion, a disorder he discovered. He received his medical …
約瑟夫·卡普格拉 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
讓·馬里·約瑟夫·卡普格拉(法語: Jean Marie Joseph Capgras ,1873年8月23日—1950年1月27日)是一名法國 精神科醫生,因卡普格拉综合征而知名。 他在 圖盧茲 獲得醫學學位,後 …
Joseph Capgras • LITFL • Medical Eponym Library
2022年2月4日 · Jean Marie Joseph Capgras (1873 – 1950) was a French psychiatrist. Cagras chose Psychiatry as a speciality after being influenced by his cousin, Dr Alexis Pécharman. …
Capgras delusion - Wikipedia
Capgras delusion or Capgras syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, other close family member, or pet has been replaced by …
卡普格拉综合征 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
卡普格拉斯综合征(CS)是一种妄想性错误识别综合征由Joseph Capgras于1923年首次描述,其特征是一种妄想性信念,认为一个长相相同或近乎相同的冒名顶替者取代了一个与自己关系密切 …
She’s Not My Mother: A 24-Year-Old Man With Capgras Delusion
In 1923, French psychiatrist Joseph Capgras first described the delusion. He and Jean Reboul-Lachaux coauthored a paper on a 53-year-old woman. The patient was a paranoid …
Joseph Capgras (1873–1950). Sa vie, son œuvre - ScienceDirect
2012年12月1日 · Honnête homme de son temps, ennemi de tout dogmatisme, Joseph Capgras publia plusieurs travaux sur l’érotomanie et se montra là un adversaire résolu des idées …
Capgras syndrome | Brain | Oxford Academic
2023年8月31日 · One hundred years ago, Joseph Capgras published the first description of the disorder of delusional misidentification that now bears his name. Alan Carson marks the …
Capgras Syndrome - PubMed
2023年5月29日 · Capgras syndrome (CS), or delusion of doubles, is a delusional misidentification syndrome. It is a syndrome characterized by a false belief that an identical duplicate has …
Joseph Capgras (1873–1950). Sa vie, son œuvre. - APA PsycNet
An honourable man in his time, enemy of all dogmatism, Joseph Capgras published many papers on erotomania and showed himself to be a determined adversary of the ideas defended by his …