Can someone please explain to me how Jotaro's hat works?
2015年4月5日 · It's easier to draw it as if it were merging with his hair, but in reality it's just got a damaged brim that is coincidentally the color of his hair. As seen here (no spoilers, but it's from an upcoming fight if you're looking to avoid anything that isn't in the anime yet), Jotaro's hair is relatively well-kept and trimmed. The damaged brim ...
Why is Jotaro’s hat always fused into his hair or something?
A commonly accepted explanation is that it's just torn, because that was popular delinquent fashion in Japan or something, but based on the few times we see him take off his hat in part 3, it seems as though the hat was made to be half-wig, so that it would look like it was blending into his hair, when in reality, it's just a hat.
How does Jotaro's hat fuse with his hair - Reddit
Beside all the designs being just a stylistic choice to make them look unique, Pucci could be explained (headcanon for me at least) with genetic mutation that causes such a weird hair growth. Kira Kawajiri could possibly be explained with him being middle aged man that was insecure about having some grey hair and decided to color his hair into ...
Why is Jotaro's hat part of his hair in part 4? : r ... - Reddit
2020年4月24日 · So his hair somehow fuses with his hat in part 4. I can explain Part 3 (Jotaro's hat has the hair design) and Part 6 (Jotaro wears a backless hat) but Part 4 is the one where his hat and hair has no separation. I mean, his hair BLENDS in with the hat.
What's up Jotaro's hat/hair? : r/StardustCrusaders - Reddit
His hat is torn in the back, but it's also permanently glued onto his head; it doesn't come off no matter what. There's also a few moments when Jotaro takes off his hat or his hat gets knocked off his head.
the philosophical meaning behind jotaro's hat : r/JoJoMemes
2023年1月19日 · The hat is a part of his identity and the hair is a part of his personality, and together they make Jotaro who he is. This is similar to Spinoza’s belief that God and nature are inseparable, and that they are both necessary components of the universe. The merging of Jotaro’s hair and hat is a visual representation of Spinoza’s pantheism.
Got a request for a tutorial on my Jotaro Hat-hair (way older post ...
2015年8月3日 · That is amazing! That's definitely one of the best Jotaro hats I've seen. Was his hair that wild towards the bottom? I remember it being spikey and floofed back towards the top and middle, but being relatively calm towards the bottom. Either way freaking aweome job!
How the heck does Jotaros hat work? : r/StardustCrusaders - Reddit
2020年2月13日 · The actual answer is the back is torn out, his hair is combed up into the sides, and a bit of hair pokes out the top. That’s how it was drawn early in the manga, but Araki decided to just meld the hat and hair together over time.
Can anyone explain what is up with jotaro's hat and his hair?
2018年12月12日 · It's not missing. There is a picture of him with his hat still in pristine condition. Maybe when he started to feel more edgy he ripped it off to show that he's a ''don't mess with'' guy. Basically the back of his hat is ripped off and his hair sticks out from the hole in it.
we need to talk about Jotaro's hair in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
2017年5月30日 · Fun fact: if you look at the first few manga chapters of Stardust Crusaders, Jotaro's hat is distinct from his hair, with more pins and stuff stuck on it and defined holes and rips where his hair sticks through and comes up underneath.