Jötunn - Destiny 2 Exotic Fusion Rifle - Possible Rolls - light.gg
2018年11月20日 · Hold down the trigger to charge up a tracking shot that explodes and burns on impact. Energy matched shield explosion disorients nearby combatants. Select 4 perks to see …
Destiny 2 Jotunn Exotic Guide: How To Get The Forge Fusion Rifle
2020年1月3日 · Here's everything you need to know to earn Jotunn and start bringing some Nordic pain to other players. Shadowkeep marks a big change to how the forges work. In the …
Jötunn - Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki
Jötunn is an Exotic Solar Fusion Rifle that could be acquired from the Bergusia Forge when forging a Radiant Gold Frame. Radiant Frames could only be bought for Ballistic Logs, which …
Jötunn - Stats, Exotic Perk, Catalyst & More - Mobalytics
Everything you need to know about Jötunn in Destiny 2: stats, exotic perk, catalyst, source and usage guide. Bring your gunplay to the new level!
How to Get Jotunn in Destiny 2 (2024) - ProGameTalk
2024年2月16日 · The Jotunn is an Exotic Fusion Rifle and appears to be the second strongest one that exists, capable of dealing immense amounts of damage. It has a charge time of 780 …
Jötunn Catalyst - Destiny 2 Exotic - light.gg
Earn Rare Emblems and Help a Great Cause! Upgrades this weapon to a Masterwork. Once upgraded, the weapon will obtain enhanced capabilities, such as increased stats and/or …
Destiny 2 Desperate Measures | Jotunn exotic quest guide
2019年10月18日 · The Destiny 2 Desperate Measures quest rewards the powerful Jotunn exotic Fusion Rifle. The quest to get this weapon has changed with the launch of Shadowkeep, and …
Perks & How to Get It to Drop in Black Armory - Newsweek
2019年1月11日 · As explained above, Jotunn is a new Exotic Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2. It shoots fireballs at opponents and comes loaded with the following perks. Charge Shot: Hold to charge …
Jötunn - Destiny 2 DB - Destiny Tracker
Our best bet is to stand together, and we start that process here, one step at a time. Exos are the future. And we can help make them better than ever. Plus, don't forget we hold the cards here. …
How To Get The Jotunn Exotic Fusion Rifle In Destiny 2
2020年11月24日 · Jotunn is an Exotic Fusion Rifle in Destiny 2 with a long history of terrorizing players in PvP. This charge rifle will fire tracking shots that can easily one-shot a Guardian,...