Doctrine > Joint Doctrine Pubs - Joint Chiefs of Staff > Doctrine
This description will be captured in joint doctrine policy and materials (e.g. joint publication prefaces) and implemented going forward. This publication provides fundamental principles and guidance for joint campaigns and operations. A full list of joint doctrine publications may be found on JEL+. (CAC required)
1989年12月20日 · T his revised edition of Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations, reflects the current guidance for conducting joint activities across the range of military operations and is the basis for U.S. participation in multinational operations where the United States has not
【斟选·新发核心条令】美军联合出版物JP 3-0《联合战役与作战 …
在美军联合条令体系中,JP 3-0占有极为重要的核心地位,是美军联合作战条令3系列的“重要(Keystone)”条令,并且是美军联合作战的基本指导纲要。 . 2022年6月18日,美军正式发布新版联合出版物JP 3-0,对2017年1月17日发布(2018年10月22日中期更新)的版本进行了重大调整和升级。 该版本将原有名称《联合作战(Joint Operations)》修改为《联合战役与作战(Joint Campaigns and Operations)》,对篇幅进行了大幅扩充(由224页增加到306页),在军兵种 …
iii SUMMARY OF CHANGES CHANGE IN LIEU OF REVISION OF JOINT PUBLICATION 3-50 DATED 20 DECEMBER 2011 • Refines the scope of the publication to include assessment. • Introduces the prevention function with further reference to Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations. • Accounts for the realignment of Defense Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing Personnel Office to the Defense POW/Missing in Action ...
【资料上新KFBZ2022-041】美军条令演化与分析:JP 3-0《联合作 …
2022年3月9日 · 知远战略与防务研究所决定,由自2005年以来长期跟踪翻译美军作战条令、研究其作战理论的资深客座研究员毛翔领衔,聚焦以JP 3-0条令为代表的顶层联合条令,进行全面梳理分析与比效研究。 本报告旨在从历史纵向维度,全面回顾自1993年首版JP 3-0条令发布以来该系列编号条令的发展,厘清其演化的过程与特点,通过对各版本的比较研究,探寻美军联合作战理论中的持之不变的思想与理念,把握美军联合作战理论的内核与发展趋势。 继而,再以最新版本JP …
Joint Publication 3-0, Joint Operations > National Defense …
2017年6月21日 · JP 3-0 is the keystone document of the joint operations series. It provides the doctrinal foundation and fundamental principles that guide the Armed Forces in all joint operations. The 2017 JP 3-0 is not a radical departure from previous versions.
D E P A O TM ENT FT H E A R M Y • • E U N I T E D S TAT S O A F AM E R I C R T HISWE'LL DE FE ND Joint Publication 3-0 Joint Operations 17 January 2017 Incorporating Change 1 22 October 2018
onsistent with U.S. defense objectives. JP 3-0 discusses security cooperation in the context of military operations across the conflict continuum at the low .
This revised edition of JP 3-0, Joint Operations, reflects the current guidance for conducting joint and multinational activities across the range of military operations. This vital keystone ...
JP 3-0, Joint Operations w/Change 1 (Oct 2018)
JP 3-0, Joint Operations incorporating Change 1 (Oct 2018), is the keystone document in the joint operations series and is a companion to joint doctrine’s capstone JP 1, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States.
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