Difference between JSPX and JSFF file-types inside ADF framework?
jsff is not a runnable target If you want to run this page It should be included inside jspx pages. One more major thing is that, whenever we use ADF task flow we use jsff fragment . OR You can Say that:--.jspx page is JSP/XML representation, it is a standalone page which means it can run without any supporting or base page.
Calling javascript from ADF page (jsff) - Stack Overflow
2016年3月15日 · I have taskflow containing a .jsff page (Let's call this child page) in which we are calling javascript method on click of a button. The javascript methos is doing . element = findComponent("id") and then doing some operation on that element. This javascript method is added to .jsff page as a resource.
How to call javascript function while JSF fragment loading(like …
2015年6月23日 · Since jsff file is a fragment in the web page; how can we call a javascript function on 'onload' of that jsff file. Here is my use case - I have a taskflow with JSF fragments input.jsff & output.jsff. Flow of my taskflow is starts with input.jsff, which takes some input from user & output.jsff, which shows the output by processing the input data.
weblogic - ADF Refresh page jsf with page fragments jsff after set ...
2015年6月11日 · I have a "First" jsf page with two jsff page fragments from a View Link. The view link is composed by a headerView and detailView. The headerView had a bind variable. What I need is that parameter (bindVariableParameter) can be set by the session variable of the template. This is what I get:
jsf 2 - provding default adf and jsf css style to the jsff page to ...
2015年11月1日 · I am using inline frame on jsf page to render different jsff pages liked to various commandMenuItem but the page is not rendering properly its giving the message . This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. and the displaying the page content as
jsf - Access UI components of a page fragment in adf from a phase ...
2019年12月6日 · This region is connected to a page fragment (.jsff) file and I would like to access the UI components inside (e.g. inputText, etc.) of the page fragment from a page phase listener (either beforePhase or afterPhase events) of the JSPX file. The page fragment is bound to a pageFlowScope bean and all its UI components.
How to upload a file using af:inputFile in Oracle ADF
2016年1月17日 · In this case the inputFile control is in a jsff contained as a region inside a jspx with usesUpload="true", but this would be similar if you are putting your controls directly in the jspx, the main thing is you need to bind the control value to …
java - JSF Page fragments & ADF Data Binding - Stack Overflow
2014年6月5日 · Is there any way to use adf bindings in jsf page fragments? When I create jsf page fragment and layout my components without any binding and when I add this page fragment on my destination page al...
Conditional rendering of the bounded taskflow (jsff based)
2015年1月28日 · ![Image showing column desc for the jspx page1 The use case is :I want to display one of the jsff's in the second &one in the third column based upon the tree node selected. The approach i used is to generate a contextual event on tree node click with payload and a subscriber for the same for second and third column ,Now while trying to use the ...
Access denied when trying to show table in jsff fragment?
2014年5月28日 · The new jsff fragment (frontStoreSupport.jsff in this case) has it's own frontStoreSupportPageDef.xml which contains the binding entries I use in the page. My problem is that ADF Read Only table's on this page get an "Access denied." where the content is supposed to go, despite the fact that they worked fine in the original page.