React Icons - GitHub Pages
Suitable for MeteorJS, Gatsbyjs etc. Include popular icons in your React projects easly with react-icons.
Free and open-source SVG Icons - Flowbite
Get started with a collection of 654 free and open-source SVG icons compatible with Flowbite and Tailwind CSS based on solid and outline styles with React (JSX) and Figma support.
JSX Icons - Ninjasweb
Over 1000+ customizable icons with instant copy-paste functionality. Perfect for modern web development. Access 1000+ optimized SVG icons ready for React and JSX.
180,000 React Icons: Copy/paste JSX code in React - Streamline HQ
45 massive, consistent icon sets for React. To use, simply copy/paste JSX code into your code editor. Available in all different styles like Pixel, Line, Solid, Duo and Flat. Includes all categories. 12 years of icon design experience. Use free, forever.
GitHub - soska/material-jsx-icons: The Material Design Icons ...
The Material Design Icons Library converted to dependency-free flexible React components using Svg-To-JSX, Babel and Prettier. Install the package using npm: Then import in your app all the icons you want to use. They are just functional React components, so you just use them as such.
elementPlus svg-icon和icon组件最完整使用,包含jsx动态使用
2022年7月20日 · elementPlus svg-icon和icon组件最完整使用,包含jsx动态使用. elementPlus改变了icon的使用规则,按官方的意思来说,按新的设计模式不会在出现icon丢失。设计场景更灵活。也确实如此。新版的字体颜色只需要传第color就可以了。不在需要重写style
Iconify for React
jsx < Icon icon = "mdi-light:home" /> Component will automatically retrieve data for mdi-light:home from Iconify API and render it. There are over 200,000 icons available on Iconify API from various free and open source icon sets, including all the most popular icon sets.
React Icons Library | Hugeicons Pro
Explore over 40,000 stunning icons available in both SVG and JSX formats, designed to seamlessly integrate with React projects for a visually appealing user experience. Download icons in React or SVG format with ease. With the web app …
这里21+ 最好的免费和开源图标集合(在2024年) - 慕课网
该库支持 SVG、PNG和JSX 格式,并且可以轻松地与 React、Vue和Svelte 进行集成。Phosphor Icons 也因其双风格选择(轮廓和填充)和像素级完美的设计而脱颖而出,确保在任何项目中的外观都精致。
react-loading-icons - npm
React implementation of the SVG Loaders library by Sam Herbert. Latest version: 1.1.0, last published: 3 years ago. Start using react-loading-icons in your project by running `npm i react-loading-icons`. There are 37 other projects in the npm registry using react-loading-icons.