If you do not have a JTDI account, select Register. Once account has been created, go to More JTDI Access. Scroll down and select box for Air Warrior, then acknowledge and agree to terms of use...
Unit personnel can access this data via the “JTDI Tech Pub” icon on the desktop. If you have any questions on the local "JTDI Tech Pubs" or would like more information please contact the POC...
NAWSI Resources - United States Navy
Chief of Information. Attn: US Navy. 1200 Navy Pentagon. Washington DC 20350-1200
Joint Technical Data Integration (JTDI) | www.dau.edu
2025年1月1日 · Joint Technical Data Integration (JTDI) is a secure enterprise common solution for global transport, storage, and access to technical data in support of condition-based maintenance, weapon system readiness, and Joint Service combat capability.
Useful Links :: Fort Novosel - U.S. Army Garrisons
2019年5月23日 · Joint Technical Data Integration - Single sign-on portal for worldwide access to authoritative technical information for the Utility Helicopter Project Office, AH-64 A/D PM and the 128th Aviation...
Joint Aviation Technical Data Integration Knowledge as a …
2000年6月22日 · Any hardware and software that can access the internet can utilize the desktop icons via the JATDI homepage. TECHNICAL DATA CONVERSION (TECH DATA). Provides the warfighter with electronic access to engineering drawings, technical manuals (TM), and associated data digitally to maintain weapons systems.
Aviation: Aircraft Information Website > Army Sustainment …
2019年10月30日 · You’ll find everything from AWR’s to AMIM’s, SOF’s and aviation ground support equipment (AGSE) information on the Joint Technical Data Integration (JTDI), An official website of the United...
2017年4月5日 · 本文介绍了如何在STM32的SWD模式下将原本用于JLink的部分引脚配置为普通IO口的方法。 通过具体的代码示例展示了如何禁用JLink并启用SW模式,以及如何正确配置GPIO以实现引脚复用。 使用Jlink向 STM32 烧录程序时,需要使用6个芯片的引脚 (以STM32F103C8T6为例),分别是PB4/JNTRST、PB3/JTDO、PA13/JTMS、PA14/JTCK、PA15/JTDI、NRST。 标准的20针JLink接口如下图所示。 当芯片IO口资源比较紧张时,可选 …
GD32 JTDI脚的复用问题 - CSDN博客
2021年1月21日 · 使用jlink向stm32烧录程序时,需要使用6个芯片的引脚(以stm32f103c8t6为例),分别是pb4/jntrst、pb3/jtdo、pa13/jtms、pa14/jtck、pa15/jtdi、nrst。标准的20针jlink接口如下图所示。
Joint Training Data Services - jtds.jten.mil
Joint Training Data Services provides access to JCATS user files and JLOD files for military training purposes.