Pima JTED - Joint Technical Education District
About JTED Southern Arizona’s Premier Career & Technical Education District We are a public school district that works with business and industry to offer premier, tuition-free* CTE pathways to approximately 22,000 high school age sophomores, juniors and seniors each year.
Programs - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
If you have questions or need further guidance regarding our Central Campus programs please contact one of our Enrollment Team Members. To learn more about JTED Career & Technical Education programs located at your home high school, contact …
Enrollment - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
Refer to the Pima JTED website’s programs tab for current class days and hours. Note that certain programs, like Cosmetology and Licensed Nursing Assistant, adhere to strict certification hours set by external agencies.
Locations - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
Pima JTED is a public school district that works with 14 local school districts to provide students free Career & Technical Education programs. We welcome students from all public, private, charter and homeschools to attend any of our Central Campus locations.
About Us - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
Pima JTED is a public Career and Technical Education District which works with business and industry and 14 member public school districts to provide premier CTE programs to approximately 22,000 sophomore, junior, and senior level high school students each year.
Student Services - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
Every Pima County JTED employee is committed to helping all of our students succeed. We encourage students and parents and guardians to read the Student Handbook, and all materials that our instructors provide in class.
Pre-Enrollment - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
Pre-Enrollment is Now Open! Enrollment Process for New Students Review the Program and Central Campus information, which can be found on the Programs page or in the Pima JTED …
How to Create a PowerSchool Account - Pima JTED
Scroll down to populate the Link Students to Account for each student you have enrolled in a Pima JTED Central Campus Program. Once you have entered your IDs and passwords, click Enter at the bottom of the page.
Academic Calendar - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
For JTED @ The Bridges, JTED @ Camino Seco, JTED @ Granite, JTED @ Master Pieces & JTED @ Project SEARCH. All other Central Campuses follow the high school site schedule.
Leadership And Staff - JTED - Joint Technical Education District
Kathy Prather became the Superintendent/CEO of Pima JTED on July 1, 2018, one year after being appointed as the district’s Deputy Superintendent.