Junkers Ju 288 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 288, originally known within the Junkers firm as the EF 074, was a German bomber project designed during World War II, which only ever flew in prototype form. The first aircraft flew on 29 November 1940; 22 development aircraft were eventually produced.
Junkers Ju-288 | Aircraft of World War II - WW2Aircraft.net Forums
2021年10月7日 · The V8 was the final prototype for the A-series, which very nearly entered production, but was then cancelled in favour of the B series. The B-series saw the crew increased from three to four. It received a wider nose, which eliminated the straight sided profile of …
Ju288轰炸机 - 百度百科
容克Ju-288是一款在二次大战期间设计出来的纳粹德国空军轰炸机,但只有进行数次的原型机试飞,第一次试飞是于1940年11月29日。 它是一款先进双发轰炸机,但一直被种种技术问题困扰而不能投产。
Ju 288A. Medium Bomber - Luftwaffe
The Ju.288-V1 was equipped with two VMW-801MAs with a takeoff power of 1600hp and 1380hp at an altitude of 4600m. The defensive armament was modeled after the first EF-73 project. On it were models of towers on the upper and lower surfaces of the fuselage.
Ju 288轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
容克 Ju 288 是一款在 二次大戰 期間設計出來的 納粹德國空軍 轟炸機,但只有進行數次的原型機試飛,第一次試飛是於1940年11月29日。 在二次大戰爆發之前, 德國空軍 轟炸機部隊握有的首批軍機皆有性能上的缺陷,有些設計初衷主要是民航機。 唯一只有 Ju 88轟炸機 符合現代化設計但還是有頗多的性能問題。 其中最大問題在於過小的 彈艙 (英语:Bomb bay) 導致要將額外的炸彈掛載於機翼區域進而拖累性能。 容克從1937年開始就以Ju 88改良型進行許多的性能實驗,並 …
战雷官方百科翻译之——Ju 288C - 哔哩哔哩
Ju 288 C是一种 高级 四级德国轰炸机,战斗权重为6.0(街机/历史)和5.7(全真)。它是在更新版1.83“海洋大师(Masters of the Sea)”中引入的。尽管名称中有“88”,但它与Ju 88、Ju 188或Ju 388没有任何关系。
Junkers Ju 288 - bomber - aviastar.org
The little-known Ju-288 was one of the most disastrous aircraft programs of World war II. With the possible exception of the Convair 880 jet airliner of the late 1950s, the Germans probably invested more time, effort and money on this aircraft, for less material return, than any other aircraft in …
Ju 288轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2023年11月8日 · 2 主要性能參數 (Ju 288B) 3 參見. 4 參考文獻. 开关參考文獻子章节. 4.1 註釋. 4.2 參考書目. 开关目录. Ju 288轟炸機 ...
Junkers Ju288 - bplaced
2020年11月22日 · Two of the Ju88 prototypes (V2, V5) were equipped with this new forward section and became the initial test aircraft for the EF73, which was now designated Ju288. The first real Ju288 prototype should be ready in autumn 1940 …
JUNKERS Ju 288 - Bombers - A Warbirds Resource Group Site
JUNKERS Ju 288 Type: Medium Bomber Origin: Junkers Flugzeug und Motorenwerke AG Models: A-Series ... Ju 288V-1: January 1941 Ju 288B: 1942 Final Delivery: N/A Number Produced: 22. Powerplant: Ju 288V-1: Model: BMW 801A Type: 18-Cylinder two-row radial Number: Two Horsepower: 1,600 hp Ju 288V-5: Model: Junkers Jumo 222A-1/B-1