New HKM 1/32 Ju-52?? Is this real??? - Large Scale Planes
2020年7月24日 · There’s a Ju.52 in development and originally it was due for release later this year. We know that timeframe is obviously not going to happen ... but the only part of that listing (ostensibly) that is incorrect is that product code. so while the product code is incorrect - there will be a 1/32 Ju.52 by HKM - at some point. Rog
Help Ju 52 main Machine Gun Turret - Large Scale Planes
2011年12月6日 · A Google search indicates that examples of the Ju 52/3m g4e survive in the Forsvarets Flysamling Gardermoent (Norwegian Armed Forces Aircraft Collection): and in the "Ju 52-Hangar" of Traditionsgemeinschaft Lufttransport Wunstorf e. V. (Air Transport Community of Tradition) near Wunstorf/Germany:
1/32 Ju 52 "Tante Ju" - Page 2 - Large Scale Planes
2011年3月27日 · Hi Christian, very nice and ambiteous projekt. Last year my wife and daughter got a flight with the "Lufthansa Ju 52" from Speyer southern Germany. Maybe you
1/32 Ju 52 "Tante Ju" - Works in Progress - Large Scale Planes
2011年3月27日 · The Ju 52 “Schmitti Modelbau” Kit Below are images of the vac kit. The kit will require a lot of scratch building, such as the cockpit, loading area, machine gun turrets, as well the wing spars and internal buck heads.
1/48 Promodeler Ju 52 - Non-LSP Works - Large Scale Planes
2014年11月10日 · My most recent completion is the Promodeler Ju 52, this was one of the best kits I have ever done, fit was great and it was a joy to build, I used almost no filler, and almost all of the critical joints fell on panel lines, I wish they all would go together this easy. I only added some Quickboost...
1/32 Ju.52 from HK Models?!? - Large Scale Planes
2015年11月28日 · I think Neil is considering a vast array of subjects, concentrating mostly on WW2, and is throwing a few ideas out into the public arena to gauge the reaction. I think a 1/32 Ju 52 would be terrific, but I'm not sure if it would be popular enough to justify the investment. I think more obviously popular choices would be a Marauder and a Wellington.
HK Models 1/32 JU52! - LSP Discussion - Large Scale Planes
2020年7月10日 · This is the JU 52/3s as in ‘streamlined’. Paul2660 and thierry laurent; 1 1 thierry laurent. Posted ...
Help Ju 52 main Machine Gun Turret - Large Scale Planes
2011年12月6日 · The Ju 52 like the He 111 was retrofitted as a bomber, they never designed as bombs, hence the German put in vertical bomb cell. My Ju 52 bomb load is 6 x SC 250 bombs. 4 x SC 250 bombs are located in the front right side of …
HK 1/32 Ju.52 is a go!! - LSP Discussion - Large Scale Planes
2016年11月12日 · Thanks to Radders blog posts of photos ... I saw a photo of a couple of HK Models display boards ... To the left ... advertising the Lanc ... and right next to it - an ad for the 1/32 Ju.52 It may be a couple of years away, for all I know ... but I'm guessing they would hardly endeavour to advert...
Ju 88 A1 build - Page 16 - Works in Progress - Large Scale Planes
2009年1月28日 · its off topic but oh well..here is the interior of the Ju 52 now.have gotten all the mg 15 drums.. those needed a lot of restoration ( still need to remake the handles ) and the next thing is to get canavas on the seats.. this is the only Ju 52 in the world with all 4 Mg 15`s in place