Junkers Ju 87 - Wikipedia
The Junkers Ju 87, popularly known as the " Stuka ", [b] is a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft. Designed by Hermann Pohlmann, it first flew in 1935. The Ju 87 made its combat debut in 1937 with the Luftwaffe 's Condor Legion during the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939 and served the Axis in World War II from beginning to end (1939–1945).
Junkers Ju-87R-2 Tropical Stuka - Museum of Science and Industry
The 1941 Junkers Ju-87R-2 Tropical Stuka is one of two surviving Stukas in the world. The plane revolutionized military aviation and military warfare with blitzkrieg tactics of fast, aggressive dive-bombing to support the quick advancement of German ground troops, and the Museum's Stuka is displayed in a steep dive.
JU87·斯图卡 ,尖啸死神——维基百科 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
Ju 87俯冲轰炸机(德语:Junkers Ju 87)是第二次世界大战纳粹德国空军投入使用的一种俯冲轰炸机,一般通称“斯图卡”(Stuka),取自俯冲轰炸机的德文写法“Sturzkampfflugzeug”的缩写,由容克斯公司研制。 Ju 87俯冲轰炸机最容易辨认的特征就是它那双弯曲的鸥翼型机翼、固定式的起落架及其独有低沉的尖啸声。 它于二战初期德国所发动的闪电战中取得非常大的战果,1940年后德国在非洲战场及东部战线大量投入这种轰炸机,尤其在东线战场,更发挥出其强大的对地攻 …
不同型号的Ju-87斯图卡之:用途广泛的Ju 87R“理查德” (Richard)
2025年1月18日 · Ju 87R-2的最大起飞重量是5655公斤(Ju 87B-2的这个数据为4704公斤),它的最大航程为1254公里,比Ju 87R-1的稍低。 Ju 87R-2参加了1941年在意大利西西里岛的战斗,也参加了北非的战斗。
Junkers Ju 87 - Bombers - A Warbirds Resource Group Site
Ju 87 A-2: Production version fitted with an improved 671 hp Jumo 210E engine. The Ju 87 B series was to be the first mass-produced variant.
Are There Any Airworthy Stuka Diver Bombers Left? - Simple Flying
2023年11月23日 · The Junkers Ju 87 Stuka was an important Nazi-used light bomber during World War 2. Over 6,000 were built, but only three examples remain around the world today. Two of these are on static display, and one is being restored – hopefully to airworthy condition.
JUNKERS JU 87 · The Encyclopedia of Aircraft David C. Eyre
Designed and built by Junkers Flugzeug Und Motorenwerke AG, the Ju 87, known as the Stuka, was perhaps the most famous dive-bomber of World War II. Known in the early days as “the scourge of Europe”, it achieved great notoriety during Blitzkreig operations against Poland, the Balkans, Crete, etc.
Unveiling the Legendary Junkers Ju 87 R-2: Werk Nr. 0875709
The Ju 87 R-2 Werk Nr. 0875709 played a crucial role in the early stages of World War II, particularly during the invasion of Poland and the Blitzkrieg campaigns. It was highly effective in disrupting enemy ground forces, thanks to its accurate bombing capabilities and ability to perform steep dive-bombing attacks.
Ju-87R-2 Stuka - wardrawings.be
Speed: 410 km/h | Ceiling: 7285 m | Range: 1535 km.
Junkers Ju 87 Stuka - AirVectors
Ju 87B-2: Uprated Jumo 211D engine, new propeller, and other small improvements. Modification kits were introduced for the Ju 87B-2, such as the "Ju 87B-2/U2" with a new radio, "Ju 87B-2/U3" with more armor for close-support, "Ju 87B-2/U4" with ski landing gear, and "Ju 87B-2/Trop" with sand filters and survival kit for desert use.