Junkers Ju 88 - Wikipedia
The Ju 88C series of standard fighter-bomber versions from the C-2 onwards culminated in the Ju 88 C-6, applying experience acquired with the A-4 bomber, equipped with the same Jumo 211J engines but replacing the "beetle's eye" nose glazing with a smoothly curved all-metal nose, pierced only by the barrels of its forward-firing offensive ...
Ju 88轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
在1942年6月中,在英國海岸線方面KG 40運用麾下的15架Ju 88 C擊落了6架的反潛巡邏機;讓U-Boot可以無後顧之憂的進行狩獵·到1942年9月之後為了攔截英國海軍開始將Ju 88 C配備到波爾多與洛里昂等兩大基地·但是從1943年開始盟軍開始配備B-24反潛機與布里斯托 美鬥士戰 ...
IL-2 aircraft review: Ju88C-6: niche attack bomber - Stormbirds
2022年7月3日 · Battle of Normandy has incorporated in a lesser-known variant of the famous Ju88 bomber into its aircraft mix. This heavy fighter variant comes with a different role, different armament options, and a unique niche to fill out in the IL-2 series' collection of World War II aircraft. This is my review of the Ju88C-6. A…
德国Ju88 C-6、C-7型战斗机 - 哔哩哔哩
Ju 88 C-6 - il2
Supercharger gear shift altitude: automatic. Combat debut: November 1942. Operation features: Each engine has a two-stage mechanical supercharger with an automatic switch system that switches gears depending altitude and engine revolutions. It can also be manually switched to first gear. Engine mixture control is automatic.
Junkers Ju 88 Schnellbomber - Aviation History
The standard fighter, the Ju 88C-6, was introduced in 1942 and was powered by two Jumo 211J engines. The C-6a was the day fighter and the C-6b the night-fighter. The night-fighters were initially equipped with the FuG 202 Lichtenstein BC radar, which was later was replaced with a simplified FuG 212 Lichtenstein C-1 and in then in late 1943 with ...
Ju-88C, High-speed Medium Bomber, Luftwaffe - AirPages
Ju 88 C-6 At the beginning of 1942, the Ju 88C-6 aircraft, based on the Ju 88A-4 bomber, was accepted for serial production. As on the A-4, the Ju 88G-6 was equipped with Jumo 211J-1 or 211J-2 engines.
二战德军的万能轰炸机:容克斯Ju88 - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
2023年12月14日 · 标准型的战斗轰炸机版本是Ju88C-6应用从 A-4轰炸所获取的经验,配备有Jumo211J 引擎。 C-6大多用做为夜间战斗机并因而被指派给轰炸机单位。 为了对德国航运,特别是对比斯开湾的潜艇日益增加的攻击次数做出回应,自1942年7月开始从法国的基地飞行反航运巡 …
Ju-88C6夜间战斗机 - 百度百科
Ju-88C6夜间战斗机是Junkers Flugzeug和Motorenwerke A.G研制的战斗型飞机,于1942年5月服役。
Ju 88C-6 - olddogsplanes.com
2008年2月22日 · Ju 88C-6. The Ju 88C series of aircraft came about as the result of the Ju 88, despite its size, having a remarkably good performance and excellent handling characteristics and was felt that it would make an excellent candidate for long range intruder and anti-shipping attacks and would make a better Zerstorer than the Bf 110.