Juan Orol - Wikipedia
Juan Rogelio García García (August 4, 1897 – May 26, 1988), better known as Juan Orol, was a Spanish-born Mexican actor, film producer, director and screenwriter. Orol was a pioneer of the Mexican cinema's first talkies and one of the main promoters of the Rumberas film in the Golden Age of Mexican cinema .
Juan Orol - IMDb
Juan Orol was born on 30 July 1893 in Lalín, Pontevedra, Spain. He was a director and writer, known for Gángsters contra charros (1948), La diosa de Tahití (1953) and Sandra, la mujer de fuego (1954). He was married to María Esquivel, Rosa Carmina, María Antonieta Pons, Amparo Moreno and Dinorah Judith. He died on 26 May 1988 in Mexico ...
Juan Orol - Biography - IMDb
Juan Orol was born on 30 July 1893 in Lalín, Pontevedra, Spain. He was a director and writer, known for Gángsters contra charros (1948), La diosa de Tahití (1953) and Sandra, la mujer de fuego (1954).
OROL, JUAN (nombre verdadero, Juan Rogelio García García)
Actor, director, productor, guionista, editor, bailarín de tango. A los doce años, en 1905, debido a conflictos familiares, es enviado solo a Cuba a casa de unos parientes, a los que no contacta y decide embarcarse a Veracruz donde permanece seis años.
Medalla Filmoteca a Juan Orol - Filmoteca UNAM
De nombre Juan Rogelio García García, Juan Orol nació en La Coruña, España el 4 de agosto de 1897. Conocido como “surrealista involuntario” y el “rey del cine negro mexicano”, es una pieza clave para el desarrollo de la cinematografía nacional e hispanoamericana.
Juan Orol - The Movie Database (TMDB)
Juan Rogelio García García, better known as Juan Orol, was a Mexican-Spanish actor, producer, screenwriter and film director. He was known as The King of the Mexican Film noir. He was also known as The Involuntary Surrealist.
Juan Orol - Ecured
Fue un actor y director cinematográfico mexicano y español. Fue conocido como el "rey del cine negromexicano" o cine de gángsters, y uno de los principales promotores del llamado cine de rumberas. Nacido en Ferrol, La Coruña, provincia de Galicia en España el 4 de agosto de 1897 (año de la entrada del cinematógrafo en Cuba).
B级片之王 El fantástico mundo de Juan Orol (2012) - 豆瓣电影
2012年9月14日 · Juan Orol, was born in Galicia, Spain at the end of the XIX Century. As a child, his mother sent him away to Cuba, looking for a relative he never found. He grew up wildly and encroached in many disciplines such as baseball, boxing, race cars and bull fighting, this last career effort moved him to Mexico, where he got married and started a new ...
CINEASTA-Juan-Orol - cine latinoamericano
Juan Orol (1897-1988) was born in A Coruña, Spain. At the age of seven, he was sent alone to Cuba, although he continued his trip to Veracruz, Mexico, where he remained for six years. Later he returned to Cuba and their growing interest for the cinema led him to visit Hollywood.
Juan Orol is one of the most peculiar of all Mexican cineastes, often compared unjustly to Ed Wood for the poverty-stricken nature of his films, but unlike Wood, Orol’s influence was much more pervasive in Mexico during his lifetime, and he was both far more prolific and more disci-plined. His accomplishments as a director are real, and lasting.