Wide Range Achievement Test - Wikipedia
The Wide Range Achievement Test, currently in its fifth edition (WRAT5), is an achievement test which measures an individual's ability to read words, comprehend sentences, spell, and compute solutions to math problems. [1] The test is appropriate for individuals aged 5 years through adult.
Wide Range Achievement Test | Fifth Edition - Pearson Assessments
WRAT5 - accurate, easy-to-administer assessment & monitoring of reading, spelling, & math skills. Get the Wide Range Achievement Test 5th Ed at Pearson.
Comprehensive Guide to the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT)
The test is straightforward, requires no special preparation, and typically takes 15 to 45 minutes to complete, depending on the number of subtests administered. ... a grade-equivalent score of 6.5 suggests skills typical of a sixth-grade student halfway through the academic year. WRAT Interpretation: What the Results Mean ...
广泛成就测验 - 百度百科
广泛成就测验(Wide Range Achievement Test,WRAT) 是指 心理测验 的一种。 美国 学者贾斯塔克1978年发行。 用于评估5岁至成人的阅读、拼写和算术等学业能力。 [1] 由三个分测验组成:(1)拼写,测查拼写能力,如拼写自己的姓名,听写单词等;(2)算术,测查运算能力,如进行加减乘除法运算;(3)阅读,测查阅读能力,如辨认字母,拼读生词。 依据被试的回答结果,将各分测验评分相加,得一个粗分数,将粗分数相加后转换成等级分和标准分,据此判断儿 …
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Wide‐Range Achievement Test - 百度学术
The current edition—WRAT 4—retains the focus of the previous editions by providing norm-referenced measures of reading, spelling, and mathematics computation. Designed for use with individuals age 5–94 years, the WRAT 4 contains four subtests: word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and mathematics computation.
广泛的成就测试 - 华文百科
1978年的Wrat规范基于七个州的15200名受试者。 根据手册,没有试图使样本代表民族特征。 手册指出少数群体是代表的,但没有提供有关其代表的数据。
Wide‐Range Achievement Test - ResearchGate
2010年1月30日 · The WRAT-R was used to assess achievement scores as it is easy to administer and obtains a large amount of information in a brief testing period (15-45 minutes, dependent on the test-taker's...
Wide-Range Achievement Test - Wiley Online Library
The current edition—WRAT 4—retains the focus of the previous editions by providing norm-referenced measures of reading, spelling, and mathematics computation. Designed for use with individuals age 5–94 years, the WRAT 4 contains four subtests: word reading, sentence comprehension, spelling, and mathematics computation.
Assessment Tool (WRAT5: Wide Range Achievement Test, Fifth …
The WRAT5 provides an accurate and easy-to-administer way to assess and monitor the reading, spelling, and maths skills in people aged 5–85+ and helps identify possible learning disabilities. The WRAT5 is upgraded with data reflecting current populations based on recent US census information. Updates include: