The Box2D physics engine and some utility classes.
JUCE: box2d
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JUCE: Box2DRenderer Class Reference
A simple implementation of the b2Draw class, used to draw a Box2D world. To use it, simply create an instance of this class in your paint () method, and call its render () method.
JUCE/modules/juce_box2d/juce_box2d.cpp at master - GitHub
JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, LV2 and AAX audio plug-ins. - JUCE/modules/juce_box2d/juce_box2d.cpp at master · juce-framework/JUCE
JUCE7/modules/juce_box2d/box2d/Box2D.h at master - GitHub
JUCE is an open-source cross-platform C++ application framework for desktop and mobile applications, including VST, VST3, AU, AUv3, LV2 and AAX audio plug-ins. - JUCE7/modules/juce_box2d/box2d/Box2D.h at master · kmolcard/JUCE7
JUCE MODULES: juce_box2d - Stanford University
2022年3月16日 · Detailed Description The Box2D physics engine and some utility classes. ID: juce_box2d vendor: juce version: 6.1.4 name: JUCE wrapper for the Box2D physics engine …
JUCE MODULES: box2d - Stanford University
JUCE MODULES: box2dbox2d juce_box2d
JUCE MODULES: Box2DRenderer Class Reference - Stanford …
A simple implementation of the b2Draw class, used to draw a Box2D world. To use it, simply create an instance of this class in your paint () method, and call its render () method.
JUCE/modules/juce_box2d/box2d/Box2D.h at develop - GitHub
The JUCE cross-platform C++ framework, with DISTRHO/KXStudio specific changes - JUCE/modules/juce_box2d/box2d/Box2D.h at develop · DISTRHO/JUCE
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