Kenton Courts - Kentucky Court of Justice
2020年5月27日 · Chief Circuit Judge Patricia M. Summe Chambers: Sixth Floor Courtroom: 6A Phone: 859-292-6531 Fax: 859-292-6384. Division 4 Documents/Video: Video: Judge Summe talks about courts reopening. Family Court
Kenton - Kentucky Court of Justice
Patricia M. Summe Chief Circuit Judge Circuit Court. 16th Judicial Circuit Division 4
Patricia M. Summe - Ballotpedia
Patricia M. Summe is the chief circuit court judge for the 16th Judicial Circuit, which presides over Kenton County of Kentucky. She was elected to the court in 1994. Summe was re-elected without opposition in 2014, winning an eight-year term that expires on January 1, 2023. Elections 2014. See also: Kentucky judicial elections, 2014
JUSTICE CENTER DIRECTORY – Kenton County Circuit Court
6th Floor – Courtroom 6A- Judge Patricia Summe, Courtroom 6B- Judge Kathleen Lape, Chambers Circuit Judge Patricia Summe 859-292-6531 and Judge Kathleen Lape 859-292-6538
CIRCUIT CIVIL MOTION HOUR – Kenton County Circuit Court
2015年12月28日 · Fourth Division Judge Patricia Summe (859) 292-6531. *Please note that this is the typical calendar for hearings, however, it is at the discretion of any Circuit Judge to alter the schedule at any time. In addition, the schedule may change due to Holiday observance. You may contact our office at (859) 292-6521 with any questions.
Patricia Summe - Judge - Kentucky Administrative Office of the …
Judge at Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts · Experience: Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts · Location: Covington · 3 connections on LinkedIn. View Patricia Summe’s...
- 职位: Judge at Kentucky …
- 位置: Kentucky Administrative Office of the Courts
- 人脉数: 3
Kentucky Circuit Court 16 - Ballotpedia
See also: Nonpartisan election of judges. Judges of the Kentucky Circuit Courts are elected to eight-year terms in nonpartisan elections. They must run for re-election if they wish to serve subsequent terms. The chief judge is selected by his or her peers and serves a two-year term. Qualifications In order to serve on this court, a judge must be:
Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Kentucky Kenton County Circuit Court
County Clerk, Judge, or Other Info: Staff: Patricia M. Summe (Division 4), Lisa Osborne Bushelman (Division 5), Martin J. Sheehan (Division 1), Christopher J. Mehling (Division 2), Gregory Bartlett (Division 3)
Patricia M Summe, Kentucky Circuit Court: Profile and Biography
Patricia M Summe is Chief Judge at Kentucky Circuit Court. See Patricia M Summe's compensation, career history, education, & memberships.
Foundation Staff | Elsa Heisel Sule Foundation
Judge Patricia M. Summe is a graduate of Notre Dame Academy ’71, Xavier University ’75 and Chase College of Law ‘79. She was elected as the first woman judge to the Kenton Circuit Court bench in 1994.