Judy Davis - Wikipedia
Judith Davis (born 23 April 1955) is an Australian actress. In a career spanning over four decades of both screen and stage, she has been commended for her versatility and regarded as one of …
Judy Davis - IMDb
Judy Davis. Actress: Husbands and Wives. Davis was educated at Loreto Convent and the Western Institute of Technology and graduated from the National Institute of Dramatic Art …
朱迪·戴维斯 - 百度百科
朱迪·戴维斯(Judy Davis),1955年4月23日生于澳大利亚珀斯,后移民美国,歌手、演员。 少年时代曾辍学加入摇滚乐团担任主唱,凭借《我的璀璨生涯》并荣获英国电影学院最佳女主角奖。
茱蒂·戴维斯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
茱蒂·戴維斯(英語: Judy Davis ,1955年4月25日 — ),女,澳洲演員,曾憑《印度之行》和《賢伉儷》分別提名奧斯卡最佳女主角獎和奧斯卡最佳女配角獎。
茱蒂·戴維斯 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
茱蒂·戴維斯(英語: Judy Davis ,1955年4月25日 — ),女,澳洲演員,曾憑《印度之旅》和《賢伉儷》分別提名奧斯卡最佳女主角獎和奧斯卡最佳女配角獎。
List of Judy Davis performances - Wikipedia
Davis first garnered acclaim for her performance in the period drama My Brilliant Career (1979), which earned her two BAFTA Awards. She garnered international attention for her …
Judy Davis: ‘My honesty has definitely got me in trouble’
2022年7月2日 · Today, the 67-year-old Oscar nominee is struggling with Zoom. “Hmm,” comes a disembodied voice. “I wonder what I should dooo.” The Australian star, whose influence on a …
Judy Davis - The Movie Database (TMDB)
Judy Davis (born 23 April 1955) is an Australian actress. In a career spanning over four decades of both screen and stage, she has been commended for her versatility and regarded as one of …
朱迪·戴维斯 - 搜狗百科
2024年12月24日 · 朱迪·戴维斯(Judy Davis,1955年4月23日-),出生于澳大利亚西澳大利亚珀斯,澳大利亚女演员。 少年时代曾辍学加入摇滚乐团担任主唱。 1976年,开始在影视剧中露 …
Actor Profile: Judy Davis - Acting Magazine
Judy Davis was born on April 23, 1955, in Perth, Western Australia, to a working-class family. Raised in a suburban environment, Davis was encouraged to explore her creativity from a …