Juli - Street Fighter Wiki
Juli (ユーリ, Yūri?), real name Julia (ジュリア, Juria?), is a video game character from the Street Fighter series, first appearing in Street Fighter Alpha 3. Along with her partner Juni, she is a brainwashed female assassin belonging to M. Bison's elite guard, the Dolls. Juli has a similar build to Cammy, albeit with a rather more busty figure. Her chestnut hair is styled into a bun ...
ジュリ|STREET FIGHTER 6(ストリートファイター6)|CAPCOM
『ストリートファイター6』に登場する「ジュリ」のプロフィールやボイス、テーマ曲をご紹介。コマンドリスト、フレームデータ、コスチュームも掲載しています。 人の争いや苦悩を好み、闘う相手を破壊し尽くすことを至高の喜びとする享楽家。左目を奪ったベガへの恨みという動機 …
Street Fighter 6/Juri - SuperCombo Wiki
The following is a more detailed overview of the SF6 juggle system: Juggle Count (JC): The status of the character being juggled. A high JC limits which attacks can work in juggles. ... Drive Rush cancel advantage: +12 oH / +7 oB; 5MP has short range and high pushback to compensate for its great advantage on hit and block. Like 5LP, ...
【快打旋風六】【STREET FIGHTER 6 (Ver1.00)】4分鐘學會 韓蛛俐 (ハン・ジュリ)基本連段【SF6 …
2023年6月2日 · 供遊玩快打旋風六(street fighter 6)參考使用,操作指令以經典模式為主,感謝您的收看!喜歡的話,點讚!訂閱!是最大的幫助。【字幕可能有上錯 ...
【問題】JURI 新手請益 @快打旋風 系列 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
2023年11月21日 · Mat 我也新手 我是直接打rank ,不過開打前都會練5-10分鐘連段 左右也練 ,打到一直連敗 就找影片學習 目前自知進攻套路單一 ,確反也做不好 慢慢學習 每天進步一點點就好 一起加油
Street Fighter 6 角色指南 | 韓蛛俐(Juri) - YouTube
介紹《Street Fighter 6》中登場的「韓蛛俐」使用方法。以變幻莫測的飛行道具及朝前方逼近的攻擊為主,是個能邊擾亂對手步調邊進攻的攻擊型角色。
Street Fighter 6/Juri/Combos - SuperCombo Wiki
SF6 Combo Notation Guide Notation Meaning > Cancel the previous move to the following move. e.g. Normal into Special (2MK > 236P) or Special into Super (623P > 236236K) ~ Chain/Cancel the previous move into a followup. e.g. Luke's target combo (LP~MP~HP) or Rising Uppercut into Slam Dunk (623PP~PP) , Link the previous move to the following move.
可瀏覽《STREET FIGHTER 6》登場的「JURI」之服裝。
Street Fighter 6/Juri/Strategy - SuperCombo Wiki
Defense Reversals. OD Tensenrin (623PP) - Fully invincible with fast startup and good range.; SA1 (236236K) - Fast and strike/throw invincible with good range. Juri's best reversal when in Burnout. SA3/CA (214214K) - Fully invincible, but slow enough that some meaty light normals can block it safely. Useful in all-or-nothing scenarios where the extra damage can secure the win.
5-7. 23: D: 1200 : Immediate scaling 20%; 2000: 0-10000: 2000: Properties change to the following when the attack lands as a Punish Counter: - Deals 2040 damage - Super Art gauge increases by 4000 - Forces a hard knockdown. Shadow Kick Throw (When near opponent) L L. 5: 5-7. 23: D: 1200 : Immediate scaling 20%;