10 Types of Punjabi Folk Dance - Tusk Travel Blog
2024年10月5日 · Julli. This dance is done by Muslim holy men Juli, called pirs. They usually dance in hermitages (khangas). The dance is performed as people sit. Sometimes, they dance around the grave of the preceptor. The dancer normally wears black. Sammi. Traditionally Sammi women from the Sandalbar area perform Sammi, now in Pakistan.
Julli Nach #shorts | Punjabi Folk Dance - YouTube
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Punjabi Dance - Maps of India
Julli or Juli is one such dance performed by the ancient Muslim Pirs. The revered Muslim saints and recluses, who are popularly known as pirs perform the sacred Juli dance during their...
Folk dances of Punjab - Wikipedia
Punjabi dances are an array of folk and religious dances of the Punjabi people indigenous to the Punjab region, straddling the border of India and Pakistan. The style of Punjabi dances ranges from very high energy to slow and reserved, and there are specific styles for men and women.
Cute Dancer Julli #dance - YouTube
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Traditional Folk Dance of Punjab - India Travel Blog
2022年10月25日 · Julli is a type of traditional dance that is performed mainly by the holy men or Juli called Pirs. Their traditional dance performance location is at their hermitage that is locally known as Khangas. This unique dance involves sitting in one place and dancing.
Folk Dances of Punjab - IndiaNetzone.com
Julli dance is a religious dance associated with Pirs and recluses and is generally danced in their hermitages (khangahs). Participants wear normally black coloured clothes with his head covered with black scarf.
पंजाब का लोक-नृत्य – GK in Hindi
2019年2月26日 · पंजाब के लोगों का उत्साह और जीवन शक्ति उनके लोक नृत्यों में दृढ़ता से प्रदर्शित होती है। तबले के साथ या लोक संगीत के कुछ अन्य वाद्य की धुन के साथ, पंजाब के लोगों के ऊर्जावान पैरों को एक लोक नृत्य देने के लिए अनायास गति में यह नृत्य किया जाता है। पंजाब के लोक नृत्यों को पुरुष या महिला लोक नृत्यों के अनुसार वर्गीकृत किया जा सकता है, …
Punjabi Dances - Punjabi Folk Dances, Folk Dances Punjab India
Julli is a religious dance, associated with pirs and recluses. It is generally danced in their hermitages (khangahs). Sometimes, it is also danced around the grave of a preceptor. This dance is performed mostly in a sitting posture, with the toes tensed. A …
Best Punjabi folks dance - SikhHeros
2021年7月24日 · The primary Punjabi society dance for females is giddha or giddhah and for men or for all kinds of people is bhangda or bhangra. The moves are regularly performed on occasion of festivity, like collect (Visakhi), weddings, melas (celebrations) like Lohri, Jashan-e-Baharan (Spring Festival) and so on, at which everybody is urged to move.