Historical Events on July 2 - On This Day
2013年7月2日 · Historical events for the 2nd of July. See what famous, interesting and notable events happened throughout history on July 2.
July 2 - Wikipedia
July 2 is the 183rd day of the year (184th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 182 days remain until the end of the year. This date marks the halfway point of the year. In common years, the midpoint of the year occurs at noon on this date, while in leap years, it occurs at midnight (start of the day).
What Happened on July 2 - HISTORY
Discover what happened on July 2 with HISTORY’s summaries of major events, anniversaries, famous births and notable deaths.
7月2日 - 百度百科
7月2日(July 2nd)是阳历年的第183天(闰年是184天),离一年的结束还有182天。 626年——中国唐朝皇帝 李渊 次子 李世民 发动政变,杀死 长兄 、皇太子李建成和四弟 李元吉,史称“ 玄武门之变 ”。 1286年——元朝颁布《农桑辑要》。 1502年——法国和西班牙在意大利就 那不勒斯 分治问题爆发战争。 1644年——英国“马斯顿战役”发生。 1653年——中国甘肃天水发生7.5级地震。 1679年——清朝开始修撰《明史》。 1774年——俄国军队在舒姆拉战役中歼灭土耳其军 …
America declared independence on July 2—so why is the 4th a …
2020年7月2日 · Fireworks, flags, and hot dogs: The Fourth of July is steeped in patriotism and tradition, and celebrated as the day disgruntled American colonists broke ties with Great Britain and declared...
On This Day - What Happened on July 2 | Britannica
On this day in 1964, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, perhaps the most important U.S. law on civil rights since Reconstruction (1865–77) and a hallmark of the American civil rights movement. Read about 10 milestones in U.S. civil rights history.
Did You Know... Independence Day Should Actually Be July 2?
2024年12月20日 · Independence Day Should Have Been July 2 –July 2, 1776 is the day that the Continental Congress actually voted for independence. John Adams, in his writings, even noted that July 2 would be remembered in the annals of American history and would be marked with fireworks and celebrations.
Today in History - July 2 | Library of Congress
On July 2, 1863, the lines of the Battle of Gettysburg, now in its second day, were drawn in two sweeping parallel arcs. The Confederate and Union armies faced each other a mile apart. The Union forces extending along Cemetery Ridge to Culp’s Hill, formed the shape of a fish-hook, and the Confederate forces were spread along Seminary Ridge.
July 2nd: All Facts & Events That Happened Today In History
2023年5月4日 · From groundbreaking advancements in technology to impactful political events, July 2nd is a day to remember in world history. In this article, we delve into some of the most noteworthy occurrences that took place on this special day.
What Happened on July 2 - On This Day
End of Portuguese rule in Brazil, the Salvation Army, the Final Hours of Ernest Hemingway and other important events, birthdays and deaths from July 2.