Listen: Juma Khutbah (Urdu/English) in Makkah/Madina
If you are in the vicinity of Masjid al-Haram in Makkah 🕋 or Masjid al-Nabawi in Madina 🕌, you can listen to Juma Khutbah in any of the following 6 languages by tuning the radio to these FM stations;
Official Website of Haramain (Makkah, Madina) for Friday …
2020年6月17日 · The main purpose of this platform is to live stream Friday Sermons (Jummah Khutbah) and Lectures from scholars of Al-Masjid Al-Haram, Makkah and Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Madina. The 24/7 live stream of Al-Masjid Al-Haram, Makkah and Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, Madina is also available on this website. The platform defines its purpose in detail as follows:
Arabic and English Khutbas from Mecca (Masjid Al Haramain)
Arabic and English Khutbas with Audio from Mecca (Masjid Al Haramain, very useful to prepare for your Jumha Khutba.
Watch the live Jummah sermons from Makkah, Al-Aqsa and Madinah. Tune in to listen to the powerful sermons from these holy sites.
Jummah Namaz Khutbah | Friday Sermon PDF [Arabic/Urdu/Eng]
Jummah Khutbah, or the Friday Sermon, is a critical part of the Jummah Prayers and is mandatory to attend for all worshippers. It is a two-part Arabic lecture in which the Imam highlights the greatness of Allah SWT, recites Durood Sharif , and explains different religious and social issues from an Islamic context by narrating various ayahs of ...
Friday Juma Khutbah Live In Mecca | Makkah Friday Khutbah
2020年3月6日 · Friday Jumah Khutbah in Mecca Makkah Live Jumah Khutbah Now Masjid Al Haram Live Now Mecca Live Juma KhutbahHafiz Inam Makki #INAMMAKKI #MeccaLive
Juma Khutba Masjid Al Haram Makkah | Juma Khutba In Haram …
Juma Khutba Masjid Al Haram Makkah | Juma Khutba In Haram Makki | Real Islamic HubJuma Khutba Masjid Al Haram Makkah | Juma Khutba In Haram Makki | Real Isla...
Khutbah Jumuah Arabic (Friday Sermon) خطبه جمعه
2020年4月1日 · First khutba: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, who made Friday the master of days. We do not worship or seek help except from Him. And He is the one who enjoined the Friday prayer. So, hasten to the remembrance of Allah .
Friday / Jummah Khutbah Translations From Masjid Haram Live
2012年9月21日 · Live translations of Friday/Jummah Khutbah from Masjid Haram.
November 19, 2021 ~ Makkah Jumu'ah - Archive.org
19th Nov 2021 Makkah Jumu'ah Khutbah Sheikh Sudais.mp4 download. 272.1M . 19th Nov 2021 Makkah Jumu'ah Salaah Sheikh Sudais.mp4 download. download 1 file . VBR M3U download. download 2 files . VBR MP3 . Uplevel BACK 25.3M ...