Transcription factor Jun - Wikipedia
Transcription factor Jun is a protein that in humans is encoded by the JUN gene. c-Jun, in combination with protein c-Fos, forms the AP-1 early response transcription factor. It was first identified as the Fos-binding protein p39 and only later rediscovered as the product of the JUN gene. c-jun was the first oncogenic transcription factor ...
AP-1复合体 - 丁香园论坛 - DXY.cn
Fos 家族和 Jun 家族相互作用形成同源或异源二聚体,称为 AP-1(activator protein-1,转录激活蛋白-1),是转录因子的典型代表。 Jun 蛋白家族包括 c-Jun、Jun-B、Jun-D。 两个家族的一级结构均具有一个保守的亮氨酸拉链(leucine zipper)结构:在 30 个拉链的氨基酸组成的 α 螺旋中,每 7 个氨基酸残基重复出现一个亮氨酸残基,N 端富含一个碱性氨基酸伸展,故又称碱性拉链(basic zipper,bZIP ),含有这一结构的蛋白质又称 bZIP 蛋白家族。 碱性区则是结合 DNA …
c-Jun和c-Fos及其与人类肿瘤 - 国际遗传学杂志 - Yiigle.com
Jun蛋白和Fos蛋白组成的二聚体复合物AP-1是细胞核内重要的转录因子,细胞的外界刺激信号从上游的信号通路传递至AP-1,并激活AP-1的功能,进而调节其下游一系列基因启动子区域含有AP-1结合位点靶基因的转录表达,使细胞对外界刺激作出适应性的反应.本文综述了jun和 ...
2024年12月26日 · c-Fos蛋白在细胞内的作用主要是与c-Jun形成异二聚体,进而构成AP-1(Activator protein-1)复合物。AP-1复合物作为一种转录因子,能够与目标基因的启动子和增强子区域结合,从而调控下游基因的表达。
Close encounters of many kinds: Fos-Jun interactions that mediate ...
2001年4月30日 · Fos and Jun family proteins regulate the expression of a myriad of genes in a variety of tissues and cell types. This functional versatility emerges from their interactions with related bZIP...
Transcriptional activation of Jun and Fos members of the AP‐1 …
Using a novel scoring metric, we uncovered that transcriptional activation of JUN/FOS genes of the Activating Protein‐1 (AP‐1) complex—particularly the upregulation of Jun, Fos, and Fosb genes—is the most conserved aging signature across the two mouse strains, diverse immune tissues, and cell types.
Fos and Jun: oncogenic transcription factors - PubMed
The fos and jun proto-oncogenes are members of the set of genes known as cellular immediate-early genes. Their expression is induced transiently by a great variety of extracellular stimuli associated with mitogenesis, differentiation processes or depolarization of neurons. They encode DNA binding pr …
JUN Gene - GeneCards | JUN Protein | JUN Antibody
2024年12月25日 · JUN (Jun Proto-Oncogene, AP-1 Transcription Factor Subunit) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with JUN include Breast Cancer and Hematologic Cancer. Among its related pathways are Toll Like Receptor 7/8 (TLR7/8) Cascade and Prolactin Signaling.
Fos/Jun 蛋白复合物的序列特异性 DNA 相互作用需要 Fos 中两个 …
Fos/Jun 复合物与特定的对称 DNA 识别序列 3-9(称为 TRE)结合,从而刺激相应基因 3,9-12 的转录。 在这里,我们表明 Fos 中的两个不同区域是形成 Fos/Jun/TRE 复合物所必需的。
Activator protein 1 (Fos/Jun) functions in inflammatory bone
Activator protein 1 (AP-1) (Fos/Jun) is a transcriptional regulator composed of members of the Fos and Jun families of DNA binding proteins. The functions of AP-1 were initially studied in mouse development as well as in the whole organism through conventional transgenic approaches, but also by gene …