WinDriver - Custom Device Driver Development Toolkit | Jungo
2025年3月3日 · WinDriver offers a range of benefits for developing and deploying USB, PCI and PCI-Express device drivers, including a comprehensive and powerful toolkit, full-featured …
Chapter 3: Installing WinDriver - Jungo
Enable test sign mode checkbox: Checking this checkbox will switch your machine to test signing mode by enabling the testsigning boot configuration. This mode enables test-signed drivers to load.
Jungo WinDriver: Chapter 17: Driver Installation — Advanced Issues
Jungo's professional services unit provides a complete Windows driver certification service for Jungo-based drivers. Professional engineers efficiently perform all the tests required by the Windows Certification Program, relieving customers of the expense and stress of in-house testing.
win10 jungo windriver - CSDN博客
2020年5月1日 · (1)电脑被Secure Boot保护,需要disable Secure Boot。 (2)digital driver signing enforcement。 首先,确定自己电脑厂家或主板厂家。 我的电脑主板是华硕,以华硕为例。 其他厂家稍有不同。 详细步骤: (1)重启电脑,开机按【F2】或【DEL】进去BIOS设置界面。 (2)在顶部菜单栏,点击进入【启动】。 (3)选择【快速启动】,将其设置为【disabled】状态。 (4)点击进入【安全启动菜单】,将【操作系统类型】从原来的 windows 更改为【其 …
USB Driver Development on Windows- Jungo WinDriver
Jungo WinDriver offers a powerful, code-free solution for developing Windows drivers for USB devices, supporting Windows 10 and 11 (x64 and x86). Designed for hardware developers and …
Windriver 安装和PCIE设备调试遇到的问题记录 (持续更新)_csdn windriver …
2019年3月26日 · 问题1:在win10系统上安装windriver.解决:从jungo官网下载的试用版,30天试用期,需要填写自己的信息,链接跳转很慢。 问题2:安装时说检测到我的电脑被Secure Boot保护,要想用就要disable Secure Boot 和 digital driver signing enforcement.解决:(1)禁用第一 …
Vivado连不上JTAG解决方法 - CSDN博客
2019年7月25日 · JTAG连不上主要原因还是Win10的驱动未安装好。 重新安装驱动及检测驱动是否安装好的方法如下: 观察驱动是否安装好: 在“设备管理器”中观察Jungo->WinDriver和Programming cables-> Xilinx USB Cable是否都存在 二个缺一个或者显示别的设备则说明驱动未安 …
win10 jungo windriver_工作使我快乐-腾讯云开发者社区
2020年5月1日 · win10 jungo windriver 前言对PCIE的软件驱动配置过程进行整理。 PC系统:win10 教育版 1809电脑主板:华硕jungo windriver:v14.3.0 x86_64jungo windriver下载网址:http://www.jungo.com/st/products/windriver/thank-you/安装jungo windriver遇到的问题如下图所 …
Jungo WinDriver: Chapter 16: Dynamically Loading Your Driver
WinDriver is a dynamically loadable driver, which enables your customers to start your application immediately after installing it, without the need for reboot. You can dynamically load your driver whether you have created a user-mode or a kernel-mode (see Kernel PlugIn in Chapter 12: Understanding the Kernel PlugIn) driver.
BV503PR / CANOPY Olive Drab Jungle Boot - Belleville Boot
BV503PR Lightweight Side-Zip 8' Tactical Boot - Belleville Boot Company® was one of the original American boot makers selected to produce the iconic Vietnam jungle boot. Returning to those roots, Belleville introduces its new “Canopy” boot for operation