Jutoh Ebook Editor For Windows, Mac and Linux - Epub, Kindle …
Convert your existing book or create it from scratch in Jutoh; edit and format; and output to Kindle, ePub, print, and even speech! Works on Windows, Mac and Linux. No subscription - unlimited books! Try the demo before you buy. Import your Word, ODT, ePub or text file into Jutoh and tweak the content and formatting.
Download Jutoh - Jutoh
Download Jutoh. Download the latest Jutoh release here. Until registered, it will act as a demonstration with a few limitations. The previous major version, Jutoh 2, can be downloaded here. You can uninstall the old version first if you wish (on …
Explore Jutoh - Jutoh
Explore the benefits and features of Jutoh here. A detailed list of Jutoh's capabilities. What's new in Jutoh 3? The major new features of Jutoh 3, with screenshots. Pictures of Jutoh in action. Your first port of call for licensing and technical questions. If you don't find an answer to your question, please contact us.
如何使用Jutoh创建电子书 - zh-cn.todoereaders.com
随着 单个项目, Jutoh 允许我们在 与主要平台兼容的各种格式: ePUB、Mobipocket、.odf (OpenDocument) 等。 我们可以从一开始就定制这个项目,以包含我们可能感兴趣的任何信息。
Jutoh 电子书制作工具 - 优创资源网
2024年11月24日 · Jutoh是一个跨平台的电子书制作 工具,可用于Windows、Mac和Linux操作系统。 它提供了一系列功能和工具,使用户能够轻松创建和编辑电子书。 Jutoh支持各种电子书格式,包括EPUB、MOBI、PDF、HTML、TXT等。 简单易用:Jutoh的界面简洁直观,操作简单易上手,无论是初学者还是有经验的用户都可以快速掌握。 强大灵活:Jutoh提供了许多高级选项和自定义功能,允许用户更精确地控制电子书的各个方面。 多格式互转:Jutoh支持多种电子书格 …
2015年3月9日 · Jutoh是一款非常好用电子书制作工具,能够轻松创建EPUB、Kindle格式的电子书。 虽然Jutoh是一款来自国外的软件,但是本站带来是中文版,完全不用担心语言问题。
Jutoh——电子书制作软件 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
Jutoh可以使用各种文本到语音系统创建MP3音频文件,并具有标记文本以改善发音,暂停和语音其他方面的功能。 通过为读者提供语音存档文件来扩大您的受众,读者可以使用Jutoh演示将其变成有声读物。 Jutoh的Epub 3支持,为文档添加语义和结构信息,允许视觉障碍用户更轻松地导航书籍。 Jutoh还可以在不更改原始文档的情况下在整个导出的电子书或文字处理器文件中增加文本大小,只需选择配置并按“编译”即可轻松导出大型打印文档。 Jutoh帮助您设计封面. 添加专业 …
Jutoh Review: Definition, Pros & Cons and More | BlueRoseOne
Jutoh is a robust and adaptable ebook writing and formatting software for writers, self-publishers, and small publishers. It allows users to publish professional-quality ebooks that are compatible with multiple platforms, including Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play Books.
Jutoh Mac(电子书制作软件)支持12系统 - 哔哩哔哩
使用Jutoh,您无需为不同的电子书平台多次编辑您的图书。 Jutoh在Epub 2和Epub 3,Mobipocket(Kindle),HTML,CBZ和纯文本格式中创建电子书。 Epub和Mobipocket涵盖了大多数要求--Epub是电子书阅读器制造商和发行商(包括Apple,Google,Barnes&Noble和Kobo)支持最多的标准,而 ...
Jutoh Review [2025]: Definition, Pricing, Pros, & Cons
2025年1月2日 · Jutoh is an ebook writing and formatting tool from UK-based Anthemion Software Ltd. It includes a number of features designed to help authors craft and generate ebooks for every major online retailer. Essentially, it's a complex word …
Jutoh Benefits and Features - Jutoh
Jutoh is designed for editing ebooks, so unlike a one-off file converter or conventional word processor, Jutoh gives you the tools to create the best possible ebook, generating clean code that will work on the greatest number of ebook platforms. Jutoh creates code to work around bugs and quirks in the ebook ereaders themselves.
Jutoh (电子书制作工具) v3.20.3 多语便携版-字母铺
Jutoh是一个跨平台的电子书制作工具,可用于Windows、Mac和Linux操作系统。 它提供了一系列功能和工具,使用户能够轻松创建和编辑电子书。 Jutoh支持各种电子书格式,包括EPUB、MOBI、PDF、HTML、TXT等。
JutohMAC版下载_JutohMAC官方版下载 [电子书制作]-下载之家
Jutoh允许您快速开始创建电子书,但具有更多高级用途的功能和配置,包括对内容,索引和尾注页面的支持。 功能介绍. 1、Jutoh可以轻松创建流行格式的电子书,您可以在许多电子书网站上销售,包括亚马逊的Kindle和Apple的iBooks。
Getting Started with Jutoh – Tech Tools for Writers
2015年2月5日 · Jutoh is an inexpensive ebook editor that allows you to convert Word docx files to mobi or epub formats. Below are resources and a cheat sheet to help you find your way around Jutoh. Julian Smart, the creator of Jutoh has written a detailed manual titled, Creating Great Ebooks Using Jutoh.
Jutoh FAQ - Jutoh
Jutoh Frequently Asked Questions. Please see also the Knowledge Base which is included in Jutoh for searching via Jutoh's toolbar. About Jutoh | Licensing and Support | Technical Issues. Contents. About Jutoh. Who should use Jutoh? What platforms are supported by Jutoh? What hardware is required by Jutoh? What tools were used to develop Jutoh?
Installing Jutoh on Windows | Blue Paper Technology LLC
Jutoh is an eBook (electronic book) creation application you’ll use to convert your manuscript into an eBook file that you’ll publish. It’s one of several alternatives for creating eBooks, and the one that I use.
Jutoh 3.23.0 - Download, Review, Screenshots - Softpedia
6 天之前 · Download Jutoh 3.23.0 - Enables you to easily create electronic books in EPUB, MOBI, TXT, MP3, HTML and ODT formats, from existing files or from scratch
New in Jutoh 3 - Jutoh
New in Jutoh 3. Jutoh 3 adds tools to help with the creative aspects of your project - including a drag-and-drop planning tool, writing exercises, and writing advice. It also improves on many aspects of Jutoh 2, with a redesigned menu structure and various parts of the user interface made quicker and more intuituve. The major changes are listed ...
Jutoh(专业电子书制作软件)v3.20.3 多语言绿色版
2024年11月25日 · Jutoh绿色版是知软博客为大家搜集分享的一款专业好用的电子书制作软件,提供了一系列功能和工具,使用户能够轻松创建和编辑电子书,同时还能支持各种电子书格式,包括
What's New? - Jutoh
2013年3月1日 · This is a detailed log of changes in Jutoh, from version 2. See also New in Jutoh 3 for an overview of the major new features, with screenshots. Version 3.21, January 6th, 2025. Bug fixes: On Windows, now finds the application for a file association more reliably, reducing the need to set up a helper, for example for Adobe Digital Editions.
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