The Vessel | A Universal Time Roblox Wiki | Fandom
The Vessel is a Legendary ability that is based off the character Yuji Itadori (Itadori Yūji), who is the main protagonist of the Jujutsu Kaisen series. To obtain The Vessel there is only 1 route. The player must travel to the Shibuya District by teleporting there using the interaction at …
A Universal Time Roblox Wiki | Fandom
A Universal Time is a Adventure Game based on Araki's JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」) Manga Sequence/Series, and many other Manga Series/Fandoms'. The game implies fighting other players, farming for items, etc. A Universal Time is based on JJBA, written by Hirohiko Araki.
Traits | A Universal Time Roblox Wiki | Fandom
Traits are a special aspect that abilities can have that increases or decreases certain stats or adds a new effect entirely to the ability without having to spend stat points in the ability menu. Additionally, they may have bonus stats, such as increasing Attack by …
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A Universal Time The Vessel [Yuji] Mastery Guide
2024年10月9日 · Want to know how to get Mastery for The Vessel aka Yuji Itadori in A Universal Time? Then in our AUT guide we have everything you need to know! The latest A Universal Time update has introduced a new Mastery system, and one of the new JJK abilities, The Vessel, is one of the first to acquire it.
AUT Trello Link & Wiki | A Universal Time[Official] [March 2025]
2024年9月2日 · [A Universal Time] AUT Trello & Wiki covers everything you need to know about universal ability, stands, Requiem, U-Coins and maps, economy, farming, NPCs, a list of stands, universal abilities, bosses, and more.
A Universal Time Tier List – Best AUT Stands (March 2025)
2024年3月8日 · Armed with this AUT tier list, you have the knowledge to make informed decisions and choose the most coveted and powerful stands for your arsenal. Remember, rarity is just one aspect of a stand’s potential, so experiment, strategize, and have fun discovering the unique abilities and combinations that will lead you to victory.
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