Jyn Erso | Wookieepedia | Fandom
2016年4月7日 · Jyn Erso, known by the aliases Kestrel Dawn, Jyn Dawn, Tanith Ponta, Liana Hallik, Lyra Rallik, and Nari McVee, was a human female soldier and former criminal who became a pivotal member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic when she led Rogue One in stealing the Death Star plans during the Battle of Scarif.
琴·厄索 - 百度百科
琴·厄索,女, (Jyn Erso),是《星球大战外传:侠盗一号》的女主角。 琴·厄索作为 义军同盟 的情报员之一,在 斯卡里夫战役 中成功盗取 银河帝国 制造的超级武器―― 死星 的设计图纸,并将其传输给义军,最终在行星· 斯卡里夫 上光荣牺牲。 义军领袖蒙·莫斯马深情地怀念琴·厄索,她相信如果琴还活着,她将会成为一个更加非凡的人。 然而,琴的牺牲并不是徒劳的,义军同盟通过死星蓝图发现了 盖伦·厄索 在死星空间站内设立的缺陷,这使得死星最终在雅文战役中被 卢克·天 …
Jyn Erso - Wikipedia
Jyn Erso is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise, portrayed by English actress Felicity Jones as the main protagonist in the 2016 film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Jyn Erso | Jyn Erso Wiki | Fandom
Jyn Erso, known by the aliases Kestrel Dawn, Jyn Dawn, Liana Hallik, Tanith Ponta, Lyra Rallik, and Nari McVee, was a human female soldier and former criminal who became a pivotal member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic when she led Rogue One in stealing the Death Star plans during the Battle of Scarif.
Jyn Erso - Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Jyn Erso is the main protagonist of the movie Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. A human female, she was a high-ranking member as well as a soldier in the Rebel Alliance and the leader of the Rogue One team. Erso played a critical role in stealing the plans for …
在《星球大战:侠盗一号》里琴·厄索最后死了吗? - 知乎
2017年1月22日 · ……Jyn Erso - finally at peace - became one with the Force. 《侠盗一号》小说版的最后提供了义军同盟最高领导人蒙·莫思马(Mon Mothma)对琴·厄索的追忆,全文如下:
Jyn Erso - Disney Wiki
Jyn Erso is the protagonist of Lucasfilm's 2016 Star Wars spin-off film Rogue One. She was once a lonesome criminal until she was recruited by Rebellion to join in their fight against the Empire...
Jyn Erso - Movie Database Wiki
Jyn Erso is a fictional freedom fighter and a central character in the Star Wars multimedia franchise. Played by actress Felicity Jones, she was the female lead in the 2016 stand-alone film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Jyn Erso - Star Wars Canon Wiki
Jyn Erso was a female member of the Rebel Alliance around the time of the Battle of Yavin. She was assigned with a team of Rebels to steal the plans of the Death Star. At some point during this mission she served as a Sergeant.
Jyn Erso: Bio, Origin & History - Comic Basics
2018年7月16日 · Born to Galen and Lyra Erso, Jyn Erso played a vital role in the fall of the Galactic Empire. Not only did she lead a band of rebels on a mission they could not return from, she successfully saw to it that the Rebels would turn the tide and win the war.