IκB - 百度百科
IκB(inhibitor of NF-κB),是核因子κB(NF-κB)的抑制蛋白。 IκB家族由8个成员组成,分别是:p100、p105、IκBα、IκBβ、IκBγ、IκBε、Bcl-3和IκB-R,大部分IκB的 C端 含有3~8个 锚蛋白 重复 基序,并通过该基序与NF-κB结合,覆盖其Rel同源结构域的 核定位序列 (NLS),抑制NF-κB的活性。 IκB的 N端 是信号反应区,包含 丝氨酸 磷酸化和泛素化位点,在IκB的诱导降解中发挥重要作用。 在 静息状态 下,IκB-α与NF-κB p65、p50两个 亚单位 以 失活 状态存在于 细胞质 …
Pathway干货 | NF-Kb 信号通路简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
NF-kB在细胞因子诱导的基因表达中起关键性的调控作用,它调控的基因编码急性期反应蛋白、细胞因子、细胞粘附分子、免疫调节分子、病毒瘤基因、生长因子、转录和生长调控因子等。 通过调控多种基因的表达,NF-kB参与免疫反应、炎症反应、细胞凋亡、肿瘤发生等多种生物进程。 NF-κB信号通路,由受体和受体近端信号衔接蛋白, IκB激酶复合物, IκB蛋白和 NF-κB二聚体 构成。 当细胞受到各种胞内外刺激后,IκB激酶被激活,从而导致IκB蛋白磷酸化,泛素化,然后IκB …
The IκB kinase complex: master regulator of NF-κB signaling
We describe here how these studies have identified a unique inhibitor of pro-inflammatory NF- κ B signaling, an unforeseen role for IKK α in the classical NF- κ B pathway, and a novel functional domain in IKK β that is not present in IKK α.
IκB kinase - Wikipedia
In enzymology, an IκB kinase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction: Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are ATP and IκB protein, whereas its two products are ADP and IκB phosphoprotein.
NF-kB信号通路与炎症 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年3月30日 · IKKs (IKKα、IKKβ):IκB激酶,使IκB磷酸化并降解(蛋白酶体依赖的泛素化降解),释放p65与p50异二聚体,核定位序列暴露,快速入核。 多数情况下,NF-κB 二聚体激活靶基因需要其他转录因子的协助,如 STAT 、 AP1 家族成员, p53, NRF2, IRFs 等。 检测:除了p-p65/p65蛋白水平变化外,最好还检测一下IκB(α)的磷酸化情况(总的也可以一起检测)。 因为p65入核发挥作用,还可以分离胞浆、胞核蛋白分别检测p-p65/p65,但是从多数文献看用总 …
经典信号通路总结——NF-κB信号通路 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
当上游信号因子TNF结合到细胞膜表面受体后,受体构象改变并将信号传递给 IKK激酶 (IkB kinase),进而使IkB蛋白磷酸化并将其从三聚体中解离出来。 随后NF-κB二聚体暴露出核定位序列(NLS),迅速从细胞质进入细胞核内,与核内DNA上的特异序列相结合,促进相关 ...
Home Page [nfkb-ikb.ucsd.edu]
2 天之前 · T he NF- k B/I k B signaling system represents a unique example where a deep biophysical understanding of the protein interaction dynamics can be quantitatively linked to the emergent biological response. Recent Publications : Together the Dyson and Komives Labs have studied the backbone dynamics of I k Ba in complex with nf k B
Rel/NF-kB transcription factors are primarily regulated by association with inhibitor IkB proteins. Thus, in most cells NF-kB exists in the cytoplasm in an inactive complex bound to IkB. Most...
NF-κB, IκB, and IKK: Integral Components of Immune System ... - PubMed
Control over the immune cell functions of NF-κB results from signaling through one of two different routes: the canonical and noncanonical NF-κB signaling pathways. Present at the end of both pathways are the proteins NF-κB, IκB, and the IκB kinase (IKK).
The IKK Complex, a Central Regulator of NF-κB Activation
New work reveals the roles of the three subunits of IKK and how it is regulated. NF-κB represents a family of transcription factors that are normally kept inactive in the cytoplasm through interaction with inhibitory molecules of the IκB family.