Convert kA to mA - Conversion of Measurement Units
How many kA in 1 mA? The answer is 1.0E-6. We assume you are converting between kiloampere and milliampere. You can view more details on each measurement unit: kA or mA The SI base unit for electric current is the ampere. 1 ampere is equal to 0.001 kA, or 1000 mA. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results.
Kiloampere (kA) to Milliampere (mA) converter - mathda.com
To convert from Kiloampere (kA) to Milliampere (mA), you can use the formula: kA = mA ×1000000. To convert from Milliampere (mA) to Kiloampere (kA), you can use the formula: mA = 1000000 kA Examples. 11 kA is equal to 11,000,000 mA; 11 mA is equal to 0.000011 kA; 3 kA is equal to 3,000,000 mA; 3 mA is equal to 0.000003 kA; 5 kA is equal to ...
纸箱材质K=A是什么意思? - 百度知道
k纸一般指定量为200~250克/平方米的牛卡纸,a纸一般指定量为140~175克/平方米的牛卡纸。 由于K纸、A纸、瓦楞原纸等的定量有一定的范围,同样种类的原纸有很多的等级,因此材质K=A是一个相当模糊的概念来的,最好是要求有各种原纸的定量和等级,或者要求提供 ...
支持A,mA,kA转换 - 即时工具
电流的单位K,A,mA的换算公式 - 百度知道
2013年8月26日 · 电流的单位K,A,mA的换算公式1KA=1000A,1A=1000mA,下面还有nA和PA进率都是1千。
Convert kA to mA (Kiloampere to Milliampere)
How many Milliampere make 1 Kiloampere? Measurement calculator that can be used to convert kA to mA (Kiloampere to Milliampere), among others. (Electric current)
Kiloamperes to Milliamperes Conversion (kA to mA) - Inch …
Convert kiloamperes to milliamperes (kA to mA) with the electric current conversion calculator, and learn the kiloampere to milliampere formula.
kA to mA | Kiloampere to mA | kA to Milliampere - Units Converters
Now you can do kA to mA conversion with the help of this tool. In the length measurement, first choose kA from the left dropdown and mA from the right dropdown, enter the value you want to convert and click on 'convert'.
电流转换器-支持A,mA,kA转换 - CokoTools
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Convert Milliampere to Kiloampere - Unit Converter
Instant free online tool for milliampere to kiloampere conversion or vice versa. The milliampere [mA] to kiloampere [kA] conversion table and conversion steps are also listed. Also, explore tools to convert milliampere or kiloampere to other current units or …