Findings From the K-12 Survey Project: A Special Report of the …
Highlights of quantitative findings from the School Survey of Gang-Related Issues include: (1) about two-thirds of American schools have written policies against gang activity; (2) most schools prohibit gang symbols in clothing; (3) two-fifths of American schools reported gang fights near their school in the last year; (4) few schools (16.4 ...
K-12 School Shooting Database - online
Unlike other data sources, this information includes gang shootings, domestic violence, shootings at sports games and afterhours school events, suicides, fights that escalate into shootings, and accidents.
COE - Students’ Reports of Gangs at School
Between 2009 and 2019, the percentage of students ages 12–18 who reported that gangs were present at their school during the school year decreased overall (from 20 to 9 percent), as well as for students who were White (from 14 to 6 percent), Black (from 31 to 15 percent), Hispanic (from 33 to 12 percent), and Asian (from 17 to 4 percent).
School administrators can take an active role in providing a safe school environment by collaborating with law enforcement to assess gang-related threats; document gang-related incidents; address gang-related conduct; and implement a continuum of prevention, intervention, and suppression practices.
When It Gets Gangsta: An Examination of Gang-related K-12 …
Gang related school violence perpetrators are defined as those who were identified (i.e., self.. identification and/or law enforcement identification) involved in the "gang lifestyle" and committed their acts of violence as part of such lifestyle on school grounds or at school ·functions.·
Youth gangs are linked with serious crime problems in elementary and secondary schools in the United States. A report is-sued by the U.S. Departments of Education and Justice (Chandler et al., 1998) found that the percentage of students reporting the presence of gangs at school nearly doubled between 1989 and 1995.
Gang Violence (K-12) – Illinois School and Campus Safety
Gang Violence (K-12) National Gang Center Responding to Gangs in Schools: A Collaborative Approach to School Safety Parents' Guide to Gangs Parents' Guide To Gangs (Spanish)
When it gets gangsta: An examination of gang-related K-12 …
2017年10月1日 · Gang-related school violence perpetrators are defined as those who were identified (i.e., self-identification and/or law enforcement identification) involved in the “gang...
Understand the basic identifiers of students who may be/are involved in gang activity. Be able to create teams within appropriate school settings where these teams can begin the intervention and prevention process with students and families.
Our findings suggested critical nuances in school firearm violence regarding the situations they encompass, the characteristics of the perpetrator and victims, and the location of the incident on school grounds.