Boston Type 1 Keratoprosthesis - EyeWiki
With the significant reduction in IE with current antibiotic regimens, glaucoma is now the most significant threat to vision in KPro patients. The reported incidence of glaucoma preoperatively …
Boston keratoprosthesis - Wikipedia
The Boston KPro is a treatment option for corneal disorders not amenable to standard penetrating keratoplasty (corneal transplantation) or corneal transplant.
Boston Type I Keratoprosthesis - American Academy of Ophthalmology
2017年6月1日 · It is implanted as a treatment for many severe, recalcitrant corneal disorders that are not amenable to traditional corneal transplantation such as penetrating keratoplasty (PK).
Keratoprosthesis - Wikipedia
Keratoprotheses are made of clear plastic with excellent tissue tolerance and optical properties. They vary in design, size and even the implantation techniques may differ across different …
CorNeat KPro | Artificial Cornea | CorNeat Vision
The CorNeat KPro is a patented synthetic cornea that provides a lasting solution for corneal blindness. It enables immediate vision rehabilitation after a straightforward implantation …
Keratoprosthesis - University of Iowa
2016年4月8日 · Keratoprosthesis implantation is a procedure that involves full-thickness removal of the cornea and replacement by an artificial cornea. The Boston Type I Keratoprosthesis is …
The Boston KPro: Revolutionized the Field of Corneal …
Since achieving FDA status in 1992, the Boston KPro has undergone continuous design innovations that have significantly improved the safety and long-term success of the implant. …
Keratoprosthesis Options and Management | Corneal Physician
2021年4月1日 · K eratoprosthesis (KPro) is ideal for corneas that have extensive areas of vascularization, and/or have had multiple previous transplant failures, limbal stem cell …
Atlas Entry - Boston Type 2 Keratoprosthesis (KPro) - University …
The Boston Type 2 Keratoprosthesis (KPro) is an artificial device used to replace the cornea in the setting of diseases with severe, recurrent scarring in which other types of corneal …
Recommendations: Boston KPro Follow-up | Harvard Medical …
Advances in postoperative care have greatly improved the clinical success of the Boston KPro. Common complications such as inflammation and infection are significantly lower with today’s …