The K107 LCD Controller Board provides a serial interface to a standard LCD display. It is based upon a controller chip (PIC 16F628/16F648) and cir-cuit designed by Professor Peter Anderson (www. phanderson.com) at Morgan State University. The K107 board design came about when Russ Fer-guson and Brian Riley ‘met’ online in one of the
Serial LCD Backpack (K107) - Wandering Samurai
The LCD backpack (aka. K107) board interfaces any HD44780-based LCD (this is the vast majority of LCD’s you will encounter) with a three-wire serial interface, consisting of +5volts, ground and serial data.
10.1 inch tablet computer LCD screen K107-hcx-lcd-fpc-1215 …
10.1 inch tablet computer LCD screen K107-hcx-lcd-fpc-1215 BD026-138 display inner screen,Buytome.com is professional English Taobao agent online shopping,help you buy from Taobao and other chinese stores at Wholesale/Bulk price. ship with aramex|dhl|ems
LCD K107/GCB - Serial Interface to standard LCD display
2015年11月10日 · The K107/GCB is a serial interface to a standard LCD display. Why use a K107/GCB serial backpack ? You want to control an LCD with ease, use the functionality shown below by simple sending command strings from your main microprocessor. An 8 pin low memory microprocessor can control the LCD potentially via one wire.
10.1寸平板电脑液晶屏K107-hcx-lcd-fpc-1215 BD026-138显示内屏 …
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K107_hcx_lcd_fpc_1215 BD026-138 手写电容触摸液晶显示外内屏 …
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With some minor changes to the circuit and compo-nents the K107 offers a permanent serial backpack PCB for an LCD display. The K107 board will ac-cept Professor Anderson’s LCD 106, 107, 108, 117, 117C and the 118 version controller chips. The success of the first round of the K107 was a bit overwhelming.
LCD Cable FPC Flex Cable Display Cable K107 LCD FPC 31PIN …
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10.1寸平板电脑液晶屏K107-hcx-lcd-fpc-1215 BD026-138
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LCD Screen BEISTA K107 K107_HCX_LCD_FPC_1215 BD026-138 …
2024年12月3日 · LCD panel screen screen BEISTA K107 K107_hcx_lcd_fpc_1215 BD026-138 CC10127007-31K Teeno duoduogo Original, 6 months warranty, Grade A, Like New, Like New Prestalia e-commerce solutions. Skip to main content