Desktop DAC and Headphone Amplifier-K11 R2R - FiiO
FIIO' s newly self-developed four-channel fully differential 24bit R2R DAC consists of 2x 48 precision thin-film resistor arrays per channel, totaling 192 resistors with 0.1% tolerance and low temperature drift (30ppm). This configuration delivers a unique and charming sound.
FiiO K11 R2R DAC and Headphone Amplifier for Home Audio or …
2024年7月12日 · The K11 R2R is FiiO's first entry-level desktop DAC and headphone amplifier featuring a full R2R DAC architecture. It is designed to connect to computers, smartphones, tablets, HiFi players, and other devices, improving the audio quality of the existing output through the decoding and amplification capabilities of the K11 R2R.
R2R解码器到底是怎样的:飞傲K11 R2R评测/拆解 - 耳机网
2024年7月18日 · 这次K11 R2R,顾名思义,里面装载的必然是R2R类型的解码了。 先大致了解一下R2R和解码是怎么回事。 解码器又称数模转换器(DAC),它是连接数字世界和模拟世界的桥。 虽然说数字音乐或模拟音乐,都包含了等效的音乐信息,但目前为止,碳基生命的听觉只能对后者感知和理解。 因此数模转换器的作用类似于翻译。 数模转换的办法很多,R2R解码器是兼具了直接和巧妙的一种。 在R2R电阻网络的节点上,相邻的电阻的权重总是相差一倍,这和二进制 …
飞傲k11 r2r在保留k11控制核心、耳放电路及usb解码方案的基础上,将原cs43198 dac芯片升级为自研24bit r2r架构dac,并针对r2r特性优化了供电系统。 相较于K11的单芯片方案,K11 R2R上应用的全差分互补24bit R2R电阻阵列DAC,由FPGA芯片、串并转换芯片、R2R电阻网络及阻抗 ...
年轻人的第一台R2R——飞傲K11 R2R版解码耳放测评 - FiiO
解码部分采用飞傲全新自研的全差分 24Bit R2R 电阻阵列 DAC,由每路 48 颗,四路总计 192 颗 0.1%精度,低温飘(30ppm)的精密薄膜电阻构成。 并且该 DAC 模块采用独立 PCB 模块的设计,增加磷铜材质,经过钝化工艺处理的屏蔽罩覆盖,可以有效的屏蔽外部干扰。
FiiO K11 R2R Review — Headfonics
2024年7月27日 · The recently launched FiiO K11 R2R is a fresh interpretation of last year’s compact FiiO K11 desktop DAC and headphone amplifier, a unit that won our 2023 Bang for the Buck Desktop DAC/AMP winner. The K11 R2R swaps the original’s Cirrus Logic DAC chip for an R2R or Resistor Ladder, a DAC configuration rarely seen in modern desktop ...
FiiO K11 R2R Desktop DAC and Headphone Amplifier (Black) - B&H Photo …
2024年9月16日 · Get the most out of your audiophile headphones and audio content with the K11 R2R from FiiO, a desktop DAC and headphone amp with fully differential 24-bit R2R resistor arrays and up to 1300mW of output per channel into 32 ohms. Sporting up to 384 kHz upsampling via OS mode, you can experience a refined sound with any audio content.
真24Bit R2R DAC解码耳放,飞傲K11 R2R正式上市!
2024年7月5日 · 飞傲全新自研四路全差分互补24Bit R2R电阻阵列DAC,由每路48颗,四路总计192颗0.1%精度、低温漂(30ppm)的 精密薄膜电阻 构成,带来独具韵味的音质表现。
FIIO K11 R2R | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2024年7月12日 · The FiiO K11 R2R uses an R2R DAC, which is a different kind of digital to analog converter that relies on a resistor ladder to produce sound. What’s cool about R2R is that it can instantly hit the right voltage, unlike Sigma Delta DACs, which take small steps to get there whether it's higher or lower and even when staying at the same voltage.
FiiO K11 R2R DAC Review – Resistance Is Futile
2024年12月10日 · FiiO K11 R2R brings a very mature and refined sound at a previously unheard-of budget price. Kids these days just don’t know how good they have it! Back in my day, most modern DACs sucked and you either had to use a dinosaur multibit DAC from the nineties or shell out the oligarch bucks for something like an MSB R2R.