BMW K1200, K1300, and K1600 Forum
2023年10月10日 · A forum community dedicated to BMW K series motorcycles owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about performance, touring, gear, modifications, …
Anyone tried high tyre pressures on old K1200?
2018年12月21日 · Those Metzlers really don't like temperature extremes. I had a reasonable pair on my K1200RS when I rode north out of AZ, at 116°F in the shade! I dread to think what the …
k1200rs | BMW K1200, K1300, and K1600 Forum - k-bikes.com
2010年3月14日 · I have had two K1200RS, 2002 & 2004 and these are the problems I have had. 1. Oil leak at crankshaft seal to clutch, (warranted) (2002) 2. Throttles cable sticking, replace …
KRS 'Pods' Fixed Forever!! | BMW K1200, K1300, and K1600 Forum
2007年9月6日 · 97 K1200RS "Fixer Upper" 85 GPZ1000RX 85 GPZ600R 89 RG250 Gamma (heart transplant - 350 YPVS Blue smoke std)
K1200RS ABS Delete - BMW K1200, K1300, and K1600 Forum
2017年8月6日 · Two ABS bypass pipes for the iABS equipped K1200RS/GT.Rear will fit as is.Front may need some mods at the frame distribution block but easy enough. Bypass pipes …
Turbo Charging K1200GT/RS | BMW K1200, K1300, and K1600 Forum
2006年4月23日 · Interesting, I get the 'wolf in sheep's clothing' thing, but a stock S1000RR has ,428 bhp per pound and a stock weight Brick K1200RS pumped up to 210 bhp still only has …
K 1100 Rs / K1100 Lt | BMW K1200, K1300, and K1600 Forum
2011年5月12日 · Since the engine came from a K1200LT there was not a huge increase in performance. If you really want to go faster then you'd be a lot better off just buying a …
ABS Module Failure, Diagnosis and Fix
2025年2月23日 · My 03 K1200RS suffered a serious engine fire in October (see other post) & I now ride an 03 K1200GT. The ABS worked fine on the now unusable RS & the GT one works …
99 K1200 RS front turn signal pod backing plate
2013年7月14日 · The FIX really WORKS! Following the Voxmagna use the magnets repair I did it to my 99 K12RS. It is the best ...
K1200RS vs ZZR or Blackbird - BMW K1200, K1300, and K1600 …
2006年9月19日 · I owned a 1999 Blackbird as new, putting on 55K miles. I purchased my 2002 K1200RS used with 19K miles and now have 31K miles. I like the Beemer better for all around …