VPK-7829 Bumerang - Wikipedia
VPK-7829 K-17 Bumerang – IFV version with 30 mm or 57 mm autocannon. Self-propelled anti-tank gun version – Similar to the Centauro, one of which had been previously leased to Russia.
Boomerang K-17 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV), Russia - Army Technology
2020年9月9日 · Boomerang K-17 is a new 8×8 infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) being developed by a Russian armoured vehicle manufacturer Military Industrial Company (VPK). The amphibious vehicle is intended to replace the ageing BTR family of armoured vehicles in service with the Russian Armed Forces.
从炮塔入手,看俄罗斯步履蹒跚的新轮战和陆军建设理念 - 哔哩哔哩
在“军队-2022”中,被戏称为“阅兵专用车”的回旋镖K-17 ifv又亮相了。 不过和在静态展示中不同,这次在阿拉比诺打靶的K-17用的是BMP-2M的炮塔。 “回旋镖-BM”无人炮塔
俄罗斯陆军装备志——K-17回旋镖装甲步兵车 - 知乎
K-17回旋镖 完全不同于之前苏式设计的装甲车,不再是二战风格满满的低矮车声,采用了车体高大,车内空间充裕的设计,可以携带更多士兵伴随作战,而且还有强大的动力系统,加上机械传动喷水推进器,再加上这型新装备在红场阅兵的亮相,让回旋镖一出场就吸引了不少人的注意。 回旋镖基础参数:全车长8.45米,宽3米,底盘高度2.25米(不含炮塔),重22吨(步兵战车型重25吨),乘员3人,可搭载8名步兵,可以正面防30毫米脱穿,侧面防14.5毫米机枪弹,还可外挂附 …
Russian army testing K-16 and K-17 combat vehicles ... - Army …
2023年4月4日 · The K-17 IFV is fitted with a remotely controlled weapon station armed with a 2A42 30mm automatic cannon; two launchers of Kornet-EM anti-tank guided missiles are mounted on each side of the turret. The VPK-7829 Bumerang is referred to as "a combat wheeled vehicle" because it will serve several different roles, similar to America's Strykers.
VPK 7829 Bumerang (2015) - tank-afv.com
The VPK-7829 Bumerang is a modern amphibious armored personnel carrier (APC) developed by Russia, designed to replace legacy Soviet-era BTR-60/70/80s in the Russian military. The Bumerang was designed as amodular platform and new family of wheeled combat vehicles for different configurations and roles on the battlefield.
2021年4月19日 · 回旋镖轮式步兵战车车体长8.45米,宽3米,车顶高2.3米(ZBL-08才2.1米),带炮塔高3.5米,战斗全重25吨,乘员3人,可搭载8名步兵。 该车采用增强型轧制防护钢板焊接而成的厢式前部楔形车头的车体,内嵌式前车灯,车体两侧竖直,外部披挂有陶瓷复合装甲块,增强了防护性能,可以正面防30毫米脱穿,侧面防14.5毫米机枪弹,还可外挂附加装甲块,车体中部安装了激光告警器,车体尾部安装有无线电台和数据通信天线。 该车采用动力前置布局,非承载 …
2021年10月25日 · 早在2015年红场阅兵时,俄罗斯就展示过新式步兵战车——“回旋镖”, 当时这款步兵战车的编号叫做VPK-7829,后来正式服役后定名为K-17轮式步兵战车。 尽管“回旋镖”的详细参数并没有公开,但俄罗斯军方还是公开了一些相关研发细节,今天我们就来谈谈“回旋镖”的诞生。 众所周知,苏联时代研发生产的BTR系列装甲车,一向以皮薄馅大著称, 尤其是早期型号的BTR-50,甚至无法抵御“莫洛托夫鸡尾酒”的攻击。 而BTR-80在阿富汗的表现也可以用非常糟糕 …
Russian Bumerang 8×8 Infantry Fighting Vehicle (K-17)
2015年10月18日 · The Bumerang uses the same unmanned turrets as Kurganets APC and IFV. This 8×8 armored personnel carrier comes in two basic version. One version fitted with the same turret as used on Kurganets APC. It is armed with a 12.7-mm machine gun. Another version is fitted with a turret of Kurganets IFV and packs a formidable punch.
Boomerang K-17 (8×8 IFV prototype) firing a 30 mm ... - Reddit
2022年8月18日 · Bumerang IFV dates back from their MRAP program. It was developed several years before the all-out war with Ukraine, let's say it's newish. The relevance of this vehicle is to have a wheeled infantry carrier that survives IEDs and ambushes, which the BMP-2 isn't designed for, with amphibious capabilities, all in a cheap package.
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