K9 Thunder - Wikipedia
The Norwegian variant was named K9 VIDAR (versatile indirect artillery system), and is based on the K9A1 configuration. It differs from the K9A1 by changing the BTCS to a Norwegian ODIN …
VIDAR | War Thunder Wiki
The VIDAR is a self-propelled artillery system fielded by Norway since 2019. The system is an export version of the South Korean K9 Thunder Self-Propelled Artillery Gun, which Norway …
VIDAR - War Thunder Wiki
The VIDAR is a variant of the ROKA's K9A1 Thunder SPH, making it one of the newest vehicles in the game. However, even a modern SPH is still a SPH, so the vehicle does not sport …
【战争雷霆-开发日志】K9 VIDAR:复仇之神 - 哔哩哔哩
VIDAR 即将在战争雷霆的下个重大更新中,为作为全新的 V 级自行火炮为瑞典陆战科技树提供火力支援。 多亏了其装备的大口径火炮,优异的机动性,以及高级载具加成,您将能够充分施 …
K9自行榴弹炮 - 百度百科
K9自行榴弹炮(英文:K9 Self-Propelled Howitzer [1])是韩国三星造船与重工业公司研制的一种履带式自行榴弹炮。 K9自行榴弹炮从1989年开始研制,于1994年制造出产,1998年正式服役 …
Pre-Order: VIDAR: Divine Vengeance - War Thunder
Coming to War Thunder in the next major update, the VIDAR will reinforce the Swedish ground forces tree as a new self-propelled gun at rank V. Thanks to its massive gun, excellent mobility …
K9自走炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
K9A2: 安装自动装填机,提升火炮射击速度,从每分钟6发提升至每分钟8至9发,同时减少弹药装填过程中的人力介入与受伤风险,组员也能从现有5人减为3人 [3]。 K9A3: K9A2改进型计划 …
2019年4月4日 · 集客AP固件是针对无线工程场景开发。 为了方便发烧友折腾,新版本MTK AP开放了微AC功能,未注册也可使用。 集客AP使用的是双IP管理方案。 刷机后成功后凡使用集 …
VIDAR or wait for KA-50? :: War Thunder General Discussions
2024年5月6日 · VIDAR, when i play KA-50 i get instantly targetted by overpowered SPAA with 10km+ range and nuked by rockets that you can't avoid (flares are useless), it's most …
I wish there was Polish tech tree =) : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2023年9月11日 · Learn from past experiences, i.e. Hungary, Finland, Israel. A Polish tree in practice will be a full blooded Polish rank I, which will be like 4-6 vehicles, an almost entirely …