DC Signature Short Block - DRAG CARTEL IND.
Drag Cartel K-series Signature Short Block. From K20 Street High-performance engine through turbo K24 engine to full-blown racing Billet Honda K24-Series Engine
K-Series Sleeved Engine Short Block – DRAG CARTEL IND.
K-Series Sleeved Engine Short Block • Remove the original cast iron sleeves and wash block. • Machine block deck and bore block to receive new Ductile Iron Sleeves • Press in Ductile Iron Sleeves • Align bore main bearing journals in proper relationship to Honda dowel holes.
Honda K20-K24. Weight: K20=29.9 KG-K24=32 KG. Block material: 6061 8 Axis forge billet aluminium. Design : Our Billet blocks, developed with a special weft system to prevent buckling at extreme pressures, resistant to 7 bar pressure, with a light and original design, and designed for street and drag cars, the first in the world.
K-Series STREET Short Block - 4 Piston Racing
We build each engine to suit individual racing application... Drag race, road race, hill climb, street use, etc. OEM Sleeve Block - Diamond honed with torque plate for straightness. OEM Honda Crank - OEM Forged Honda Crankshaft. Callies Compstar - Callies H-Beam Connecting Rods.
Magnus Billet Honda K series K20/K24 Engine Block
Finished solid no water block weighs 72 lbs roughly double the weight of a standard K and over 10 times torsional strength. We specifically designed it to be heavy for use in RWD chassis cars and Sport FWD race cars, where weight on the nose of the vehicle is a priority. Lightweight version is available by request.
RameyRacing Ultra HD Sleeve Block
All sleeving is done in house using the best tools in the business to insure the quality of every block we sleeve. Place your order today and #JOINTHEWINNINGTEAM. All sleeved block options go through a wet blast and hot tank mandatory cleaning process. All K-Series, H-Series and F-Series (S2000) Blocks come at a rough 86mm and can be bored out ...
Bullet Race Engineering Billet Honda K-Series (K20) Engine Block
The Bullet Honda K-Series billet block has been engineered to deliver reliability in 1700HP+ environments. This product has vastly improved block rigidity and improved deck thickness over the stock unit. Distortion of cylinder bores and crank tunnel is dramatically reduced through increased material thickness and a Bullet 4 bolt main cap system.
K-Series Billet Bare Block – 4 Piston Racing
This product has vastly improved block rigidity and improved deck thickness over the stock unit. Distortion of cylinder bores and crank tunnel is dramatically reduced through increased material thickness and a Bullet 4 bolt main cap system.
Bullet Race Engineering Billet Honda K20 Engine Block - XFWD
The Bullet Honda K20 has been engineered to deliver reliability in 1700hp environments. This product has vastly improved block rigidity and improved deck thickness over the stock unit. Distortion of cylinder bores and crank tunnel is dramatically reduced through increased material thickness and a Bullet 4 bolt main cap system.
K20 block JBR Heavy duty ductile iron sleeves K20a2 crankshaft (serviced, balanced, polished, washed) Hot tanked Ultrasonic cleaned CNC decked CNC bored Diamond honed with torque plate. O-ring Arias JBR spec HD piston kit with extreme duty wrist pins JBRE spec solid beam aluminum rods ACL bearing set Clearances . K20 block JBR Heavy duty ...
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