K2PG - Callsign Lookup by QRZ Ham Radio - QRZ.com
2024年12月3日 · K2PG USA. Login is required for additional detail. Email: Login required to view. Ham Member Lookups: 8289
Author Topic: K2PG(SK) (Read 2782 times) - amfone.net
2021年1月1日 · K2PG(SK) +1 AMfone! Worldtime : On AMfone HOME ABOUT AMfone AMPX AM Audio Vault AM Northwest Class E The Collins 30K Site East Coast Sound GALLERY GLAG K3L Late Notables Online Calculators Photo Archives Technical Info The Wouff Hong Vintage Radio : On The AM Window: A/V: Features: Stuff: Tech ...
K2P A1 A2 路由器刷机教程 最详细教程,适合新手!-斐讯无线路 …
2018年11月22日 · 网线连接电脑和K2P,查看IP是不是192.168.2.1。 运行【RoutAckProV1B2】,点击打开telnet,提示成功。 就可以关掉软件了。 注意,软件中路由器IP地址默认192.168.2.1。 2. 开启电脑中的telnet服务。 控制面板\程序功能\打开或关闭Windows功能,在弹出的窗体中,勾选telnet客户端(服务端不用安装) 3. 用网线连接 k2p和互联网,用windows telnet登录k2p。 开始-运行cmd, 输入Telnet 执行后,路由器会下载固件并自动刷写,两分钟之后自动 …
K2PG NJ site for sale...more - amfone.net
There is good fishing in both the ocean and the bay (no license required for salt water fishing in NJ), and some nice lakes in the nearby Pine Barrens. To see my station, click on this link www.k2pg.com, go to AM Station, then on Station Pictures. Please contact me at phil (at) k2pg.com if you are interested.
Collins 21E
Anyone know where WMTR's 21E went? The 21E transmitter that was at WMTR is now in service, mostly on 1885 kHz, at my amateur station, K2PG. I left the station in mid- 78. I was told one of the power supply filter caps blew up and they had the EPA remove the transmitter due to PCB contamination. 300-? ??
k2pg官改固件v1.4 s-s r问题 - 恩山无线论坛
2017年8月6日 · 恩山无线论坛»论坛 › 无线设备硬件相关板块 › 斐讯无线路由器以及其它斐迅网络设备 › k2pg官改固件v1.4 s-s r问题 返回列表 发新帖 查看: 1958 | 回复: 2
K2PG is off the air! - amfone.net
2021年1月1日 · The power pole that supplies my transmitter shack here in Pennsylvania broke right at ground level and came down, destroying the meter socket, conduit, and a mercury vapor fixture that was used for security lighting. Due to my current job situation, I cannot afford to have this replaced, so it looks like I will be off 160 AM indefinitely.
[email protected] | K2PG
2024年5月21日 · RIP K2PG. Tony kb3fvf #13788 So sorry to hear about Phil passing, He was a great amateur radio operator he knew everything about radio he will be missed. He wasn't feeling well on Thursday for the net, Didn't know anything like …
K2PG - AM Window
Transmitters! Two Collins 20V grace the transmitter room at K2PG. The left transmitter, a 20V-2, is on 1945 kHz and the transmitter on the right, a 20V, is on 1885 and 1890 kHz.
K2PG Callsign on QRZCQ - The database for radio hams
If K2PG is your callsign and you would like to fill out your profile or update your biography, you can register here and change the data afterwards. Call: Advanced