K30A Datasheet PDF – 50V, 10mA, N-Ch, MOSFET – Toshiba
2022年11月7日 · The K30A is -50V, 10mA, Silicon N Channel Junction Type MOSFET. In an N-channel MOSFET, the source and drain terminals are connected to an N-type semiconductor …
K30A Datasheet, PDF - Alldatasheet
Description: Silicon N-Chinnel Junction FET. 57 Results. Part #: K30A001AP. Datasheet: 193Kb/10P. Manufacturer: Schneider Electric.
2SK30 Datasheet PDF - Toshiba
2SK30 Datasheet : 2SK30ATM / K30A FET Silicon N Channel Juction Type, 2SK30 PDF Download Toshiba, 2SK30 Datasheet PDF, Pinouts, Data Sheet, Equivalent, Schematic, Cross reference, Obsolete, Circuits. Electronic Components …
K30A MOSFET, 50V, 10mA, Transistor, N-Ch ( 2SK30A PDF )
2023年3月16日 · K30A is 50V, 1mA, Silicon N-Chinnel Junction FET. An N-Channel JFET (N-Type Junction Field-Effect Transistor) is a type of transistor that operates using the principles of a field-effect transistor, specifically designed with an N-type semiconductor material as its channel.
K30T60 Datasheet (PDF) - Infineon Technologies AG
Description: Low Loss DuoPack : IGBT in Trench and Fieldstop technology with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel EmCon HE diode. Manufacturer: Infineon Technologies AG.
2SK30A Transistor Pinout, Features, Equivalents, Uses and Other …
2023年3月5日 · 2SK30A is an N Channel JFET available in TO-92 and other packages. It is a low noise transistor, and has a high breakdown voltage and high input impedance. In this article we are going to discuss 2SK30A transistor pinout, features, …
Differences between varieties of 2SK30 JFETs? - DIYstompboxes.com
2010年6月19日 · Anybody know what the difference is between these GR types and the regular K30s? Are they matched to some spec? units that are guaranteed to fall within a certain range of the overall K30 spec? Can a person with enough "regular" K30s …
FETの話② 2SK30A - electric - gooブログ
2009年12月8日 · 古から現在に至り、特にオーディオ用として最もよく使用されている不朽の名作Nch-FET:2SK30Aの特性を見てみましょう。 「FETの話①」にて、FETはG-S間電圧が0Vの時にもっとも大きなドレイン電流を流すとお話しましたが、このときのドレイン電流をIDssとい …
K30a Datasheet PDF | PDF | Field Effect Transistor - Scribd
This document summarizes the specifications and characteristics of the LH03 Series Silicon N-Channel Junction FET. The FET can be used for applications like charge sensors, meter amplifiers, rheostats, choppers, and gain controllers. It has maximum ratings for gate voltages, current, power dissipation and temperature.
K30A 2SK30A - dientutuonglai.com
K30A hay 2SK30A là một JFET kênh N có gói TO-92 và các gói khác. Nó là một transistor có độ ồn thấp có hệ số nhiễu là 0,5dB thường ở VGS=0, VDS=15V, f=120Hz và RG=100kOhms. Nó có thể cung cấp độ lợi 0,5dB ở điện áp cực máng tới cực nguồn 15V, điện áp cực cổng tới cực nguồn 0V, với tần số của tín hiệu là 120Hz và với RG hoặc điện trở cổng 100K.